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"Ah she's always had fire in her, which is why Ragnar and Uhtred shielded her, treasured her like a prized possession,"

"All the more reason for me to claim the prized woman for myself,"


"If you speak of this to anyone I will gut you" I warned, my breath steadying as I wiped away the last remnants of tears. Sihtric, withdrawing with a grin, reassured me, "Fear not, I am not eager to incur your wrath in its full fury," he quipped, guiding us back toward the others.

"I mean it," I cautioned, halting him in his tracks with a firm grip on his arm, perhaps firmer than necessary. He brushed my hand away with an irritated exhale, striding ahead.

As we approached the group, the cacophony of fighting and shouts filled the air. Uhtred and Bloodhair clashed fiercely, vying for the favour of Skade. The onlookers goaded them on, while Ragnar, observing in silence, deliberately avoided meeting my gaze. 

Bloodhair's men resorted to deceit, attempting to strip Uhtred of his weapon.

I swiftly intervened, reclaiming Uhtred's weapon and returning it to him, despite Brida's disapproving glare and Ragnar's scoff. 

Just as Uhtred seemed poised for victory, Ragnar interceded, declaring an end to the conflict, asserting, "I will not waste warriors before the true battle begins."

Addressing Uhtred, Ragnar ordered, "Take Skade and leave," then turned his attention to me. I waited, hoping for a sign, a word, anything to indicate he didn't mean what he said, but he merely averted his gaze.

With a heavy heart, I drew a deep breath as Finan offered a comforting touch on my shoulder. Shrugging him off, I mounted my horse and departed Dunholm, without a backward glance.

Beocca and Thyra soon followed suit. While Beocca and Uhtred conversed, Thyra guided me away, affirming, "No matter what Ragnar says you will always be my sister." Her words threatened to unleash another torrent of tears, but I steeled myself against them. 

"He despises me now," I murmured, plucking at blades of grass, while Thyra deftly fashioned a string of daisies.

"He does not despise you he is ensnared by the manipulation of those greedy men," she reassured, weaving the daisies together. "If he truly hated you both, he would not have allowed Uhtred to depart alive," she reasoned, settling the daisy chain upon my head, a ritual we had shared since childhood.

"Did I do the right thing?" I questioned, meeting her gaze as she admired her handiwork. "You did the right thing," she affirmed, rising and gently pulling me to my feet.


The nunnery in Wincelcumb yielded easily to our intrusion. We lingered in the kitchen while Uhtred made his presence known in the hall. "So, little devil, how does it feel to be in a nunnery? Does your skin burn yet?" Finan jested, eliciting a faint forced smile from me.

The absence of my retort didn't escape notice, but no one pressed the matter. 

Exiting the kitchen, I turned to Aethelflaed. "Your men lack the skills of true guards. You'll require stronger protection when the Danes inevitably invade," I remarked, sinking wearily into a chair.

Amidst the chatter and dining, the discontent of the nuns echoed until the abbess rushed in, heralding the arrival of the Danes.

Uhtred proposed sending the abbess to parley with them, as they remained unaware of our presence. Despite hesitation, the abbess assumed the responsibility.

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