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"She could tell me that she wanted to burn the world, and I'd be proud to watch her burn it down to nothing but ashes. In my eyes, she could do no wrong,"


Pyrlig's stealth granted us entry into Aegelsburg, and I held Stiorra close to me, absorbing Pyrlig's cautionary words about the challenges of swaying Edward's opinion.

While Uhtred approached the king, Finan and I were tasked with the care of Aethelstan and Stiorra. "You two will remain with Pyrlig," I directed firmly, prompting a groan from Stiorra.

"Listen, if Finan and I are seen with you two, it will raise suspicions, promise me you won't do anything impulsive, we'll keep watch," I insisted, met with Stiorra's eye roll and Finan's quick quip.

"She's your niece, I doubt she's not used to impulsive," Finan remarked, earning himself a swift slap from me and a gasp from Pyrlig.

"Now, remember, you mustn't reveal your identity to anyone at all," I instructed, kneeling before Aethelstan, who nodded earnestly. With a wave goodbye, Finan and I departed.

Time elapsed, and we found ourselves seated on steps in the bustling marketplace, engaged in idle chatter that bordered on annoying each other.

"So, are you planning to marry him?" Finan probed, his question punctuated by the absent-minded twirling of a daisy between my fingers, a failed attempt at crafting a chain that stirred memories of Thyra.

"I'm not sure, marriage and settling down never quite appealed to me. I always imagined dying in battle," I confessed, contemplating the uncertainties of my future. "Does Sihtric know that?" Finan pressed, eliciting a weary sigh from me.

"He should have some idea. He understood the person I was long before getting involved," I replied, the complexity of our relationship evident in my tone. 

"So, annoying and twisted," Finan remarked with a sure tone, his jest met with a playful retaliation as I hurled the flower at him, laughter echoing through the air.

Our laughter faded into concern when Uhtred approached us, his visage marred by blood and bruises. "What happened?" I demanded, rising to my feet, my eyes scanning Uhtred's injuries, but he waved off my worry, insisting he was fine.

"That's the gratitude one receives for protecting the king's niece," I remarked with disdain, using my sleeve to wipe away some of the blood from his cheek.

As the three of us conversed, our attention shifted to Stiorra, who was aiding Pyrlig in distributing grain among the villagers. However, our conversation ground to a halt when tensions among the crowd escalated into a brawl.

Stiorra found herself thrown to the ground, prompting me to rush to her aid. With urgency, I pulled her to her feet and pushed her to safety, joined by Uhtred and Finan in an attempt to restore order.

In the chaos, I received an harsh elbow to my forehead and felt someone tugging at my hair, but Stiorra intervened, pulling me away from the fray towards her.

"So much for trying to help," I muttered, brushing off Stiorra's concern for the gash on my forehead. Uhtred assumed command, issuing orders to quell the disturbance rather quickly.

Uhtred was summoned once more to attend Edward, I insisted on accompanying him, but he rebuffed my request, urging me instead to stay by Stiorra's side. Reluctantly, I acquiesced.


Stiorra, Finan, and I made our way to the tavern, securing a table near the front. Just as we settled in, Osferth appeared out of the blue, prompting my immediate interrogation about Aelfwynn's whereabouts.

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