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"You've just taken down six men single-handedly," 

"I told you they touched me,"


"I could have easily persuaded Edward to lend us aid," I mused, idly tapping my fingers against the edge of a barrel as we gazed out at the vast expanse of the open sea.

"Quite the confidence," remarked Finan, a smirk playing on his lips, but before I could reply, Uhtred interjected.

"She could indeed," Uhtred affirmed with conviction, causing Finan, Sihtric, and Osferth to turn their attention to him, whilst I couldn't help but laugh. "Edward may have harboured a small attraction to her in years past," Uhtred explained, and Finan's eyes widened.

"He what?" Sihtric questioned incredulously. "Even Edward couldn't resist my undeniable charm," I retorted with a smirk, earning an eye roll from Uhtred.

"You could have been queen," Finan said, grabbing ahold of my hands like it was the most important thing he'd ever said.

"Lady Aelswith quickly put a stop to that notion," Uhtred reminisced, prompting me to giggle as I recounted the tale. "I'll never forget the look on her face when she caught Edward and me kissing," I continued, eliciting a collective gasp from the group, clearly surprised by the admission of me pursuing the notion.

"She separated us in an instant, accusing me of ensnaring her son with devilish charms," I added, still amused by the memory.

"You could have been queen," Finan reiterated, but I shook my head adamantly. "It was just a passing fling, if you could even call it that, I have no desire to be queen of Wessex," I stated firmly. 

"Besides, Aelswith would have surely gone mad at the thought of a Dane sullying her bloodline," I added with a wry smile.

"Nevertheless, I believe a little sweet talk could have swayed him," I concluded, casting a mischievous wink at Finan, who still seemed taken aback by the idea. Turning to Sihtric, I noticed a hint of envy in his expression.

"Well, there's no use dwelling on what could have been," Sihtric interjected briskly, redirecting our focus to the impending task as we neared our destination.

Finan, ever the provocateur, couldn't resist stirring the pot further. "She could have been queen, become Edward's woman," he remarked, casting a pointed glance at Sihtric, a not-so-subtle jab aimed squarely at his evident jealousy.

Sihtric's reaction was noticeable, a flicker of annoyance crossing his features before he masked it with a stoic facade, choosing instead to maintain his composure and steer the conversation back towards our mission at hand.


The boat ferried us to Grimsby, Northumbria, our quest leading us in search of monks. Young Uhtred, adamant about staying aboard, found a companion in Beocca, who remained by his side.

Stepping onto the worn planks of the dock, we made our way to the local tavern, where our cover story awaited its first trial. 

Uhtred proclaimed boldly the minute we entered, "We seek companionship with women," his declaration catching the attention of the tavern owner, whose eyes betrayed a glimmer of recognition that unnerved me. His gaze shifted to me and seemed to silently question whether my presence should suffice.

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