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"I'm not protecting you because you're a woman. I'm protecting you because you're my woman,"


"Danes are charging towards the gates," Finan's urgent voice pierced through the air. With resolve etched upon his features, Uhtred swiftly guided Aethelflaed to safety, his protective instincts aflame, while the rest of us braced ourselves to confront the impending onslaught.

Outside, the relentless pounding against the sturdy monastery doors echoed the fervour of the Danes' assault, their demands resonating with an intensity.

As the pressure mounted, I sought higher ground, ascending to the roof, with Uhtred, Finan, and Sihtric close behind. With the lives of Cnut's sons hanging in the balance, tension coiled tight around us like a serpent poised to strike.

"Do you recognize him?" Uhtred's whispered inquiry drew my attention, and I peered over the edge, my gaze fixing upon the figure below. "I think... maybe his name is Bjorgulf. He's definitely one of Cnut's men," I replied.

"Leave, or else the children will die," Uhtred's demand rang out, a steely edge underscoring his words. Yet, Bjorgulf remained obstinate, his resolve unyielding in the face of our ultimatum.

With a daring ruse, Uhtred orchestrated a desperate gambit, convincing Bjorgulf that he had slain young Cnut by casting the lifeless body of a fallen Mercian child from the rooftop. In the grip of fear, Bjorgulf's resolve wavered his retreat a testament to the power of Uhtred's cunning.

"Now we have to leave, Cnut will hunt us down" I remarked. Uhtred's nod affirmed the gravity of our situation as we readied ourselves to flee the encroaching danger.

As we prepared to depart, the two boys, their purpose served, were set free. Together, we joined Aethelflaed and Aldhelm, embarking on the journey towards Tettenhall.


At Tettenhall, the convergence of Father Pyrlig and King Hywel's army lent a glimmer of hope to our beleaguered cause. Pyrlig revealed that it was Aelswith who dispatched him in search of allies, underscoring the ominous silence that emanated from King Edward's court. Despite our bolstered numbers, Uhtred's lingering apprehension loomed large, doubt gnawing at the edges of our resolve.

Yet, in the face of uncertainty, Aethelflaed remained resolute. With Edward's absence casting a pall over our preparations, Uhtred counselled Aethelflaed to weave tales of hope to sustain her men's spirits in the crucible of impending battle.

As we gathered to devise a strategy to repel the Dane's impending assault, all eyes turned to me, prompting a mixture of amusement and exasperation. "Why are you all looking at me?" I asked. "You're the only one with sense, remember," Finan jested, earning a smack on his arm from me.

"Or I'll be the one blamed when hundreds fall to their deaths," I countered, a hint of self-deprecating humour lacing my words. Uhtred's reproachful tut echoed in response, his unwavering faith in our cause evident as he dispelled the spectre of doubt that threatened to eclipse our resolve.

Yet, amidst the ill-timed banter, a sudden realization struck me like lightning, igniting a spark of inspiration. "Okay, I can't guarantee it will work, but it's the best I've got," I declared, my voice tinged with a mixture of determination and uncertainty as I outlined my impromptu plan to rally our forces.

As I began to instruct everyone, the weight of responsibility settled upon my shoulders.

The arrival of the Dane army, led by Cnut and Brida, cast a shadow of impending conflict over Tettenhall.

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