
741 58 26

Third person

        “Can I drop you off at college today?”

Minjun almost spat out her coffee, looking up at the taller with wide eyes. She internally mused why he'd suddenly ask her that. She giggled nervously, setting the ceramic aside. “Um. . . I have later classes today, so um- tomorrow?” the brunette looked back at Chan, silently hoping he brush it off like he always do. But rather, the older's brows knotted in seriousness. His entire look scream the answer Minjun wouldn't like.

“Last night you said you had earlier classes?”

Minjun took a deep breath. “I. . . I Chris I.”

“You what?” Chan's suspicions grew tenfold, something was definitely wrong. “I wanna introduce you to my friends, please come?”

Minjun bit her lip, thinking hard. “Okay fine!”

“Oh?” Chan wasn't expecting her to agree, matter of fact he thought she'd come of with an excuse. But she didn't, and he felt relieved and somewhat happy? He felt a bit bubbly inside because it clarified her claims of attending his college. “Yay! That's great.”

Oh boy, now he had to make it seem like he had actually planned to bring her to his friends. But they are so disorganized, it would take a miracle to get them together. Maybe he should take her one by one? Yes, that would be much less Chaotic.

The whole ride to the college was just Minjun rambling about who knows what and Chan trying to listen but his mind was caught up somewhere else. His jaw would clench every now and then as he nibbled softly on his thumb. “And I literally can't decide if I wanted the pink sweater or the blue, both were excellent choice. But Chris you see, its what comes with the colour that counts. There were practically the same thing, but pink was soft and fuzzy and the blue it was cozy and fluffy, you get?” she looked at the blue haired, expecting some kind of approval from him.

“You look better in blue. Wait, wait, no, pink, I. . . I don't know. You look awesome in both!” Chris smiled dumbly.

“Exactly! That's why I got both!”

“Both!?” The taller yelled. “But you said its the same.”

“I couldn't decide,” Minjun pouted, sinking more into her seat. “How about you come with me next time?” She grinned at him. “Consider it a date!”

“No, its not a date!”

“Oh my God, I've just bagged a date with the Bang Chan, do y'all wanna be me or what?”

Chan couldn't help but chuckle at her randomness, that little anxiousness he once had slipping away. He was now more engagement in their conversation, enjoying how free Minjun was but that quickly changed, when she stopped laughing, staring at the far distance.

“Chris, I think we should take the other route.”

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Yes.  I haven't completely forgotten about this book.

Never have I ever let my horoscope decide my day

Moving on, hi, how are you?
As always Lee (> •-•)> will be taking your votes and comments


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