🚪: 39

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[ Third Person Pov ]

      “Do you think things will ever go back to normal?”

Minjun had lost all hope, there was nothing she wanted in life again, her so called friend and his family had taken everything she ever cherished away from. First, her parents and now her sister. The brunette sat quietly, tucked in the corner, her hand still fastened tight to the metal bar— she couldn't tell for how long she had been locked up, and frankly time didn't matter to her anymore.

“I don't think there was ever a normal,” The older hummed, listening closely for any sound.

Even when the door creaked open, she wasn't ecstatic, relieved or scared, rather the only expression that coursed through her was spite, disgusted that Hajoon was back. She didn't bother to look up, staring at nothing was far more appreciated than sparing a second to gaze at his disgusting face.

“You're right,” Yuna attested to her words, shoving both hands into her pockets, protecting them from the nibbling cold.

That voice was the only thing strong enough to light up Minjun's mood, although she was more confused than exhilarated. A lot of questions bombard her clustered mind but the only thing she could do was sob in her sister's arms. And it broke the redhead’s heart, it was the first time she had seen the older cry so much, an emotional mess, all frail and pale.

Yuna laughed when Minjun nodded— a dull bitter sound that held no bliss whatsoever. There was barely a time that things around them felt normal. “But it was fun pretending things were.”

They were never really free from the claws of toxicity. Witnessing and suffering from a lot of things that children shouldn't be exposed to; their parents weren't really good at protecting them, a mistake that had scarred both girls for life.

“I don't want us to pretend anymore,” Minjun broke into a soft smile, slipping her hand into her sister's pocket, just to fondle the younger's cold hand. “Okay?”

Hajoon was gone, and the police had enough evidence to keep him behind bars for a good amount of time, there was nothing left for them in Seoul anymore; just bad memories and sad moments. It would do them good to venture somewhere else, to start over, this time without the shoddy help of criminal minds.

“I'm gonna miss Mr Lee,” Yuna clicked her tongue, playing with her sister's hand. “He was really nice.”

Minjun couldn't help but titter at her sister's words; it wouldn't be a surprise if she had accidentally caught feelings for the brunet. She was used to how easily her sister would crush on a guy, and how quickly she'd lose those feelings. Minjun would shrug it off, knowing it was only part of her teenage craze.

“What about you?” Yuna nudged the taller with her elbow, a coy smirk on her lips. “Are you going to miss anyone?”

Minjun's smile disappeared, her expression dropped for a second, and she couldn't tell if it was her train of thoughts chugging or if it was the real engine finally departing. Will she miss anyone? That was only a simple question she chose to overlook. She wanted to be away from Seoul as soon as possible, but there was still a little attachment to the city that was kinda hard to leave behind.

At her hesitation, Yuna nudged her again. “Are you going to miss that hairless guy?” she cooed at the older, poking her cheek.

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