Chapter Two:The Train cart

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After a short dive which the two tributes from Two spent in silence they arrive at the District Two train station

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After a short dive which the two tributes from Two spent in silence they arrive at the District Two train station. The duo are escorted inside the station and handcuffed to opposite ends of a table to wait for the train to arrive.

The two Tibutes continue to sit in silence as Finch began to look around the room they were placed in, it looks to be some kind of old office space as there is a small desk in the corner of the room.

"How long do you think we're gonna be stuck here?"Finch asks breaking the silence engulfing the room.

Marcus remains silent, the eighteen-year-old just staring straight ahead. Finch takes this as a sign he doesn't want to talk so Finch goes back to being silent.

After about ten minutes, two Peacekeepers enter the room. They walk over to the tributes and uncuff them from the table, they then aim their guns at them in a threatening manner.

"This way,"One of the Peacekeepers says.

The two tributes are escorted out of the room and onto the train station platform and at that moment the train pulls up, it comes to a stop. Marcus and Finch are taken a few feet down the track and towards a cattle cart. The door to the cattle cart is pulled open by a peacekeeper.

"Inside"The Peacekeeper who opened the door shouts at them.

Marcus is the first to step inside the cart, he then turns around and holds his hand out for Finch, this being the first proper interaction they have ever had. Finch took his hand and let him help her into the cart.

The door was quickly slammed behind them engulfing the cart in darkness, the train began to move and after a few seconds Finch's eyes adjusted to the darkness and saw that there were a couple pairs of Tributes in the cart. This caused Finch to believe that they were picking up the tributes based on which side of the country they were on.

She guessed they were starting with the west side. Some of the tributes looked up when the duo from two entered, Finch saw a girl who looked to be about a year older than her with red hair and a boy who was younger with longer curly brown hair where staring at them. Finch grabbed the cart wall and used it to move herself along and find a place to sit. She soon sat down and Marcus sat next to her.

The little boy looked over at Finch and smiled at her, he reminded her of Nero back at the Marrow house, she prayed to every god or deity that he was okay. "What's your name?"The young boy asks.

"I'm Finch" Finch tells him before turning to Marcus. "This is Marcus"Marcus looks over at the younger teen with annoyance on his face.

"I'm Mizzen"The young boy introduced with eagerness and a smile. "This is Coral, next to you in the corner are Lamina and Treech"

The other pair mentioned by Mizzen look up at them, the girl Lamina has stunning dark red hair and a beautiful hair band in it. The boy Treech has curly brown hair and wears a hat on top. Finch smiled at them.

"Where did we get you two from?"Coral asks suddenly.

"Two, we just left two"Finch explains. "Where are you and Mizzen from?"Finch asks her.

"Four"Mizzen tells Finch excitedly.

"Where are the others from?"Finch asks.

"Seven,"The voice of Lamina says quietly and when Finch looked over at her she saw that she had been crying, Finch moved closer to her and gently put her arm around her in a comforting manner.

"So my idea was right, they're picking us up based on what side of the country we are on,"Finch says out loud as she rubs Lamina's shoulder.

"That's what I thought too"Lamina responds quietly.

"It would make the most sense"Treech speaks up from the other side of Lamina.

The train is then engulfed in silence, Finch looks around the cart and takes in the situation she's in now, in a few days she'd be thrown into an arena to die. Finch knew she wouldn't go down without a fight.

She then felt someone nudge her leg and saw it was Lamina. "You can move your arm now if you want to, I don't want it going numb on you"Lamina told her quietly.

Finch looked at Lamina closely, she saw she had beautiful blue eyes and that her face was tear-stained. "If you're sure, I'm just next to you if you need anything,"Finch tells the dark red-haired girl.

Lamina nodded and smiled before laying her head on a small pile of hay. Finch looked over at Marcus who had just sat stoicly next to her. "You can get some sleep if you like,"Finch tells the older boy.

Marcus looks down at Finch. "I'm fine, you can rest if you need to"Marcus responded.

Finch smiled at the older boy. "I'm okay, you get some rest and I'll watch,"Finch told the boy.

After a few seconds of quiet arguing, Finch lost the argument and laid her head on Marcus's shoulder. "Wake me up when you need to sleep,"Finch told Marcus.

"I will,"Marcus says casually.

Finch looks up at him. "You better,"Finch tells him sternly.

Marcus laughs. "I will I promise,"Marcus tells her again.

Finch laid her head down again and closed her eyes, she soon drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

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