Chapter Twelve:Interviews and Last night of Peace

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FINCH HAD RELUCTANTLY agreed to the interview with Lucky and Florus but she had dragged her feet during the entire process and had not made things easy for Florus, but now she sat in a chair in the wings of the Academy's auditorium

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FINCH HAD RELUCTANTLY agreed to the interview with Lucky and Florus but she had dragged her feet during the entire process and had not made things easy for Florus, but now she sat in a chair in the wings of the Academy's auditorium.

Finch would be the first to go with Velvereen and Facet from One being dead and Marcus still being unaccounted for leaving Finch to bear the burden of being the first tribute ever to be interviewed.

Finch's knee bounced anxiously, there were two things that Finch didn't do it was anxiety and people, Finch had always struggled when it came to people, people are a complex labyrinth of emotions and desires that Finch struggled to understand.

Except for Lamina, she was sweet, kind, and smart, she made Finch feel normal and understood for the first time in her life.

Finch didn't know what they were to one another after their kiss the night before but she knew it was something that couldn't be denied.

As Finch sat in the old chair, she played with the single braid she'd let Lamina tie in her hair after stealing a hair tie from Sol, Finch had let her do it with little resistance needing a distraction from her constant worry for Marcus, the boy still not being found.

She hoped he was safe.

Before she could dwell on Marcus anymore, Florus came into view the Capitol Mentor was dressed incredibly well in a suit that most likely cost more than what anyone in her district could ever earn, she rolled her eyes in annoyance. "You ready?"Florus questions.

Finch slumps back into her chair and looks up at Florus. "You look stupid"Finch responds not answering his question.

Florus rolls his eyes in annoyance at Finch's antics. "Look, let's get through this and we never have to speak or see each other again"Florus explains.

"Fantastic"Finch responds.

A Peacekeeper then signals it's time for things to begin, Finch and Florus walk up to the stage entrance, where Finch can see Lucky Flickerman standing with a microphone in his hand and addressing the crowd and the people at home.

"And now to kick off our interviews we have Finch Blaze from District Two and her Mentor Florus Friend"Lucky announces, the audience begin to clap and cheer.

Finch walks out onto the stage, a fake smile on her face she waves at the people in the audience as Florus walks behind her, the two walk over to the center of the stage where three chairs have been set up, Lucky extends his hand out Florus to shake it but doesn't do the same for Finch causing her to have to hold back her eye roll.

"Welcome, welcome, thank you for being here with us tonight"Lucky starts a few small droplets of sweat falling down his head.

"Well, it wasn't much of a choice now was it, this one here was very insistent on it,"Finch tells him gritting her teeth as she playfully pats Florus's shoulders a little too hard.

An awkward laughter escapes from Lucky's lips. "Well you're here now, so let's talk, do you have a strategy for tomorrow?"Lucky asks.

Finch looks at the older man confused. "It would be a little stupid to tell my plan on live TV where everyone can see, and the tributes in the wings can hear, wouldn't it"Finch tells him.

Florus sighed placing his head in his hands, he was beginning to think Finch wanted to die tomorrow or something.

"Well, that is true but maybe you could give us an insight into your skills?"Lucky asks desperate to get anything from Finch as his first tribute interview was going downhill quickly.

"Well, I suppose I can give you something, I'm an apprentice blacksmith back home in Two and I have some fighting ability"Finch explains.

"And where did you learn to fight?"Lucky questions curiously.

A real smile appears on Finch's face. "Well, it's all about survival at the end of the day, to survive in my part of Two you got to be able to defend yourself or you'll be eaten for breakfast"Finch explains.

"Well, that's very lovely but I'm afraid that's all we have time for tonight, so let's hear a round of applause for Finch Blaze and Florus Friend"Lucky tells the audience who once again begin to cheer.

The Mentor and Tribute pair walk back into the wings and before he can say anything, Finch walks away from him, wanting nothing to do with ever again.

AFTER ALL THE tribute interviews were over the tributes were taken back to the Zoo and dumped back into the Monkey cage for their last night before the games, most of them decided to get an early night but Finch couldn't sleep.

Finch sat atop the large rock staring up at the stars in the night sky with a smile, Finch had always found the night sky beautiful so if this was her last night alive she was going to enjoy it.

"They're beautiful aren't they?"A voice questions and when Finch looks over she sees Lamina, a genuine smile then appears on her face.

"I can think of something else that's even more beautiful,"Finch says casually.

"Oh, yeah?"Lamina questions.

"You"Finch responds a teasing smile on her face as she watches Lamina's cheeks turn red.

Lamina sits down on the rock next to Finch gently taking her hand in her own, she begins to draw tiny circles on the palm of Finch's hand.

"You okay?"Finch questions.

Lamina sighs. "I'm fine"

Finch shifts her body so she's now face to face with Lamina. "Look, I know I'm not good with words of comfort or advice and I got through that interview by the skin of my teeth but if there's something you want to talk about you can talk to me"Finch explains.

Lamina is silent for a moment going over Finch's words. "It's just tomorrow"Lamina speaks suddenly. "What are we going to do?"

Finch squeezes her hand. "We'll find each other and protect each other. I'm telling you now I won't let anything happen to you"

Lamina rests her hand on Finch's shoulder. "You promise?"she asks.

"I do"Finch responds.

And the pair of love birds stayed like that for the rest of the night.

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