Chapter Eighteen:Angel of Death

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THE PEACE DIDN'T last very long as three figures soon emerged from the far end of the arena, Finch quickly nudged Lamina gaining her attention and alerting her to the pack, they then did the same for Reaper who gave them a nod withdrawing behind t...

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THE PEACE DIDN'T last very long as three figures soon emerged from the far end of the arena, Finch quickly nudged Lamina gaining her attention and alerting her to the pack, they then did the same for Reaper who gave them a nod withdrawing behind the barricade.

At first, the Pack did nothing they sat in the stands and made eating motions, soon after the arena was filled with wiring as three drones headed over to them, and they shared the food amongst themselves with smiles.

They stayed in the stands for what felt like half the day before slowly making their way over standing directly under the beam, the girls took no notice at first until Tanner banged his sword blade on one of the poles which alerted the girl to what was happening.

The girls prepared themselves brandishing their weapons it was at this moment Finch regretted not acquiring a bigger weapon but there was little she could do now, her and the girl she loved lives were on the line.

As the pack huddled together for a small discussion, Finch took Lamina by the hand and pulled her close, she kissed her deeply and didn't want to let go knowing this could be their last kiss but after a while, she pulled away.

"For luck,"Finch tells her, a smile on her face.

Lamina smiles back as the Pack pulls out of their huddle. The looming threat of death began to hang over them and Finch knew deep in her heart that this could be ever one of their final fights but Finch closed her eyes and let her breathing calm and she thought of the motto many of The Marrow House kids had.

Go out of this world the same way you entered it. Fighting.

And that is exactly what Finch Blaze was going to do.

CONFUSION WAS THE main thing Finch was feeling as she watched the pair from Four give up their tridents to Tanner but she soon realized why when they both headed for opposite ends of the beam, Mizzen on her side and Coarl on Lamina's.

Knife in hand Finch watched as they gave each other a nod as they began to ascend the beam, worry began to flood Finch's chest Mizzen was just a boy but she'd have to fight back against him if she wanted to live, the boy was out for blood and nothing Finch could do would change that.

Finch watched the pair from Four climbs they were nowhere near as graceful as Lamina had been but slowly managing to make their way up the structure, Coral only stopping when Tanner called out for her to wait for Mizzen as the thirteen-year-old was lagging behind.

Finch figured out quickly they were trying to reach the top at the same time to fully trap the two Fifteen-year-olds, even if they could take them down Tanner would still be waiting.

The lovers interlinked hands and squeezed them before letting go and heading for their approaching enemies.

Mizzen mounted the beam and the girl from Two stared him down, Tanner attempted to throw his trident up to him but he didn't have enough momentum behind it and it fell to the ground, Finch could hear fighting noises from Lamina and Coral behind her but she focused all her attention on the younger boy. She used the failed catch to move closer to him making his trident harder to use as it needed a lot of distance to be effective.

The second attempt to get Mizzen the trident failed as well and as the young boy crouched to try and receive it Finch saw the opportunity to render him unable to fight. The boy straightened up just as Finch kicked his knee and took his legs out from under him, it caused him to fall and lose his knife in the process as he clung to the beam with one arm.

Mizzen was no longer a threat his baby brown eyes welled with tears, she felt sorry for Mizzen no child especially one as young as him should be in this situation but at the end of the day it was survival of the fittest.

A loud gasp and then a groan of pain escaped the lips of Lamina causing Finch to turn and look and a part of her wished she hadn't as when she did she saw Coral had shoved her trident through Lamina's abdomen, Lamina turned her head to find Finch wanting her to be the last thing she sees. The young lovers made eye contact. "I love you"Were the final words Lamina spoke as she was then dislodged from the trident and hit the ground with a sickening thud.

Anger flooded the girl from Two's body as Coral looked at her with a smirk on her face, Coral would soon come to regret that as Finch let out a war cry of her own and charged straight at her using her skills to easily duck, dodged and avoid the trident as Coral made many attempts to kill her, this proved more difficult the closer she got. Finch grasped the end of the trident in her hands the blade digging into her skin as she used all of her moment and strength to push Coral further and further back.

The small cries of help from Mizzen faded deeper and deeper into the back of Finch's mind as anger took over more and more, the sounds of the arena became static and her vision turned red, she wanted revenge and she was going to get it.

Once Coral was at the edge of the beam Finch swiftly ripped the Trident from her hand and held it towards her, the same weapon Coral had just used to kill the girl Finch loved now lay in her hands, as small begs for mercy escaped from Coral's lips all the bravado and confidence the girl from Four had was ripped away from her the moment the threat of death was upon her.

Finch seized Coral by the collar of her shirt and blunged the trident straight into her abdomen, a strangled cry of no escaped the mouth of Mizzen as he stood by Tanner after having made it safely to the ground. Finch felt nothing as she pulled Coral closer and said audible so everyone could hear.

"For Lamina"She growled before pulling the trident out of her abdomen and kicking her off the beam, the girl from Four landing on the ground with the same sickening thud Lamina had.

Finch threw the trident over to the opposite side of the arena but when she looked around Mizzen and Tanner had gone, she guessed they had escaped back into the stands or the tunnels but Finch couldn't care, as she sat atop the beam all alone her knees pulled up to her chest.

Small strangled cries escaped her lips as she mourned not only someone who had given her hope but someone she had loved.

And now she had no one.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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