Chapter Three:The Capitol

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After a few hours, Finch swapped with Marcus so he could sleep, when Finch looked around the cattle cart, she saw Coral, Lamina, and three boys she didn't recognize were all awake, she also noticed three sleeping girls

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After a few hours, Finch swapped with Marcus so he could sleep, when Finch looked around the cattle cart, she saw Coral, Lamina, and three boys she didn't recognize were all awake, she also noticed three sleeping girls. Finch guessed they picked up some more tribute whilst she had slept.

The three boys introduced themselves as Tanner from Ten, Hy from Five, and Facet from One. Tanner and Facet were very quiet and stoic whereas Hy was eagerly talking to the girls about his District. Finch gave each of the boys a kind smile which Hy return with a smile of his own, they all looked to be a couple of years older than her. The cart fell into a peaceful manner as Hy continued to chatter away.

After a few minutes the train came to a stop, the sleeping tributes were awoken by the sudden stop, they looked around the cart with annoyance and grogginess.

"What's happening? Why have we stopped?"Mizzen asked with worry in his voice as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

Finch looked at the younger boy with a smile. "I don't know, maybe we're at another District,"Finch suggested.

Finch was quickly proven wrong when the tributes heard a group of loud voices, shouting from outside of their cattle cart. Coral looked over at Finch with a sly smile and scoffed. "I think you might be wrong Two"Coral tells the slightly younger girl.

Finch rolled her eyes, and then the door to their cattle cart was pulled open, sunlight blasted into the cart blinding the tributes. A Peacekeeper banged on the side of the cart. "Everybody out!"A gruff male voice called out.

The tributes all look at each other before the pair from Two began to move. Finch stands up and slowly walks to the cart entrance, the bright light of the sun momentarily blinds her so Finch reaches her hand up to cover her eyes.

"Down"The peacekeeper shouts his voice full of anger and annoyance.

Finch quickly jumps down out of the cart and lands onto the train platform, she turns back towards the cart and offers her hand to Marcus, the older boy takes her hand and jumps down onto the platform.

Finch looks around the station it's much more grand than what they have back in Two, she can also see the tops of some of the Capitol buildings, some have grand structures but others are still in disarray. As the rest of the tributes exit the cart, Finch sees a boy in a red uniform with blonde hair and holding a white rose.

Finch nudges Marcus in the side which catches the attention of the pair from Four and Seven. They look over and also spot the same boy as Finch did.

"Who's that?"Mizzen asks curiously.

"I don't know,"Finch responds casually.

Before the group of tributes can find out who the boy is, the Peacekeepers start leading them across the platform with their guns out and aimed at the tributes. As the tributes walk Finch can hear quiet sniffling and crying next to her and when she looks over, she sees Lamina she reaches her hand out to the girl who takes it carefully.

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