Chapter Sixteen:Conversations

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FINCH HELED HER knife out at the figure looming in the darkness she didn't know who the person was but she would fight them at all costs

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FINCH HELED HER knife out at the figure looming in the darkness she didn't know who the person was but she would fight them at all costs. Sejanus remained as still as a post on his knees unfazed by the approaching footsteps.

"Sejanus, it's me"The figure called out from the darkness his voice barely above a whisper but Finch recognized it immediately.

It was Lucy Grays's mentor, Snow she believed he was called she hadn't trusted him from the moment she'd met him and something was telling her he wasn't here out of the kindness of his heart.

As Snow walked out of the darkness Finch held her knife tighter, as he made his way closer to Sejanus she hissed at him she knew a snake in the grass when she saw it.

"You really can't stop rescuing me, can you?"Sejanus questions a bout of laughter escapes his throat.

Snow laughed along with him, Finch staring him down the entire time. "Can't do it"Snow responds.

The tension seemed to ease for a moment but Finch kept her knife aimed at Snow she didn't trust him at all.

"They sent you in to fish me out, what madness,"Sejanus says.

Finch moves closer to Snow her knife aimed at his chin as her eyes locked with Marcus's body, she noticed the way Snow had avoided looking at the body. "You ever seen a dead body before"Finch questions a devious smile on her lips.

Finch watched his Adam's-apple bob nervously as he made eye contact with the teenage girl with a knife aimed at him. "A lot, during the war"he responds.

Snow slowly moved to the left so he was closer to Sejauns to try and avoid any more conversation with the girl from Two, he shoved his hands into his pockets like he didn't know what to do with them.

Finch rolled her eyes at the eighteen-year-old's behavior, she worried for the future with people like him around, she walked over to be on the opposite side of Sejanus her eyes still trained on Snow.

"I haven't so much. not this close"Sejanus says gesturing towards Marcus's body. "At Funerals, I guess. And at the zoo the other day, only those girls hadn't been dead long enough to stiffen up"

A deep sigh exists Sejanus's mouth. "I don't know if I'd rather be burned or buried, not that it matters really."Sejanus continues.

"Well, you don't have to decide now,"Snow tells him.

Finch's eyes swept over to the broken wall, a shadow seemed to move in the darkness, she chose to ignore it for now better for her to keep an eye on Lucy Gray and Marcus's Mentors because them both being here is not a good thing for anyone.

"Oh, it won't be up to me"Sejanus starts. "I don't know what's taking so long for the other tributes to find me. I must have been in here a while"

Everything clicked in Finch's brain, Sejauns hadn't just come here to see Marcus. He came in here so he could join Marcus in the afterlife.

"You want to die?"Finch questions her voice barely above a whisper. "Why?".

"You should go, you know both of you"Is Sejanus's only response completely ignoring Finch's question, Finch looks around and sees Lamina still sleeping atop the beam she could easily leave the two Capitol idiots but something about leaving Sejanus felt wrong.

He was all she had left of Marcus.

"I'd like to"Snow spoke carefully. "I really would—only there is the matter of your Ma. She's waiting out front. Pretty upset. I promised I'd bring you to her".

Finch felt her heart drop to her stomach she hadn't thought about Sejanus's parents.

A sad expression fell upon Sejanus's face at the mention of his mother. "Poor Ma. Poor old Ma. She never wanted any of this, you know"Sejanus starts a deep sigh exits his mouth. "Not the money, not the move, not the fancy clothes or the driver. She just wanted to stay in Two. But my father... I bet he isn't here, is he? No, he'll keep his distance until this is settled. Then let the buying begin"

Both Finch and Snow had the same look of confusion on their faces. "Buying what?"They both questioned at the same time.

"Buying everything, He brought our way here, brought my schooling, brought my Mentorship, and he goes nuts because he can't my me,"Sejanus says raising his voice. "He'll buy you if you let him. or at least compensate you for trying to help me"

"Rich people and their stupid problems"Finch grumbles.

Snow ignores her comment and focuses fully on Sejanus. "Your my friend. He doesn't need to pay me to help you"Snow says but to Finch, his words felt insincere.

Sejanus placed his hand on Snow's shoulder. "You're the only reason I've lasted this long Coriolanus. I need to stop causing you trouble. I didn't realize how bad this was for you. I should have traded Tributes with you when you asked"Sejanus says.

This was the straw that broke the camel's back for Finch, the fact they wanted to tarded tributes like they were dogs in a shelter wound her up. She rolled her eyes at both of them and shoved the pair a lot harder than she needed to. "You are both Pathetic, Marcus would be ashamed of you,"Finch says.

Finch doesn't wait around for a response from the Mentors, she walks back over to the beam and begins climbing back up, Lamina is still sleeping peacefully. Once she's back atop the beam Finch sits with her legs hanging off the beam.

Finch watches as the Mentors continue to converse before they try to remove Marcus's body with Snow grabbing his feet and Sejanus wrapping his arm around his chest, the pair struggle to move him and begin half carrying and half dragging him over to a barricade she guessed this is how snow got in the first place. She watched as one of them fell and injured their knee before quickly composing themselves and trying to exit.

Then footsteps came from behind them. Quick and light. Speeding out of the barricade, where the tribute must of been laying in wait all this time, they must have been the noise Finch heard earlier. Finch watched as Snow turned around dropping Marcus's body in the process just in time for the tribute to bring their knife down on him.

Finch saw the head of blonde hair and instinctively knew who it was.

It was Bobbin.

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