Chapter 2

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"Shhhhh," Opal whispered to Fern. "I'm pretty sure that this is abandoned but let's be sure." Opal scuttled forward and brushed the floor. They were in an abandoned mansion that nobody dared to go into. The black and gray walls soothed her and the big stairway looked familiar to her. The old chandelier hung from the roof, glittering and dazzling anyone who looked too closely. Her finger left a trail in the dust. "No one's been here for a long time." She muttered to herself.

"I don't care that this is a house, Opal! It's way too creepy here. I want to sleep out in the open with the wind in my ears!" Fern whined, shuffling closer to the exit.

"Okay, okay! We can go, but give me five minutes to check the place," Opal said, surrendering to Fern's whining. Fern shuffled out, glad to be outside. Opal ventured closer to the grand staircase, avoiding creaking floors. She climbed the staircase, getting closer and closer to the chandelier, mesmerized by it. If only I could take one of those crystals... Opal sighed, warding her impossible dreams. She trailed her finger closer and closer to the crystals. "Oof!" Opal cried, stumbling forward. Weird staircase. There are a bunch of places to trip. Opal made a mental note to be more careful. When she stumbled, she accidentally took one crystal from the chandelier. The crystal detached with a little Click.

"Who's there?" Boomed a deep voice. Opal froze in place. Wha- Who is that? I was sure that this place was abandoned. I kept track of it every day! Opal snapped out of her trance and shock and started to stumble down the stairs, not even caring that she made a racket. Opal ran out frantically, the crystal still tightly gripped in her hand. 

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