Chapter 9

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"Opal! It's morning!" Thomas exclaimed, throwing the curtains back.

"Noooo. Let me sleep..." Opal groaned, submerging herself in silk blankets.

"Yessssss. You have to or else we'll miss breakfast!" Thomas said, tugging her out of bed. After they had eaten breakfast, they returned to Opal's room. "Hey, Opal?" Thomas asked, sinking onto the bed.

"Mmm?" Opal asked, mesmerized by the beautiful room.

"Hey- uh. I found a thing on the ground. It fell out of your pocket after you fell," He told her, going to the little walk-in closet. When he came out, he was holding the crystal from the chandelier. He's going to hate me now! I can't be a thief! He doesn't know that yet! "Is this... One of the crystals from the chandelier in the abandoned mansion?" Thomas asked. What do I do? Do I tell him? What should I do?

"Uh. Y-yes. I-It is. I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I didn't even realize that I took it! I just had to grab onto something because I was going to fall off the railing! It was sort of like instinct! I'm sorry! Don't report me to the police! Please!" Opal begged, crumpling onto the ground when Thomas was silent. "I knew you'd hate me if I told you," Opal whispered dejectedly.

"I-It's fine! I just have to get used to it y'know? Never knew my girlfriend was a-a t-thief," Thomas stammered, red blooming on his face. Y-Your girlfriend? Opal's face became bright red.

"W-What should I do?" She asked, looking at her feet.

"J-Just keep it I guess?" Thomas stammered, also looking at his feet. "Wait," Thomas started, looking at Opal's face, "You said it was something like instinct? Does that mean that you are a thief?" A sudden realization dawned on his face. "Did you steal from me? My mother? My father? But where would you stow them? Aha! Your pockets! Pockets, out, now!" Thomas barked. Opal fumbled to show that nothing was in her pockets. "Where's your little basket, huh? Is my mom's engagement ring in there?" He shouted. Opal showed her straw basket, her strawberries still in there. She was too shocked to speak, to react. How could Thomas switch emotions and sides so quickly? First, he was calling me his girlfriend and now he's accusing me of stealing his mom's engagement ring! "Hmmm. Nothing there. But maybe it's not just today! Did you ever steal from my family, my house, before?" He shouted at her.

"N-no! I would never do that! I'm not like other thieves you know! Stop assuming stuff about me! I only steal to survive! I just swipe fruits, bread, and fish from the market! And even then, I only steal the ones that are going to be thrown away anyway! So stop assuming things about me!" Opal boomed. Thomas stumbled backward as if Opal had cast a blow.

"I-I'm sorry. I just... I want to protect my family." He whispered, deflated. The anger in him was an explosion, quickly deflating. However, Opal's rage was always simmering in her stomach, boiling and getting ready to come up. Her rage rumbled in her ears and shot out of her mouth. The difference was that her rage was built on by the years when she finally saw the unfairness of the world. He came quickly when his feelings were hurt.

"You- You don't consider me as family?" Opal whispered.

"I- I do. To prove that, I'll run away from my family and help you survive." Thomas told her, straightening his back. "Because I want to stay with you."

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