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"Are you going in?" She questioned.

"I'll stay out here with you for a while." Walker confessed.

Luciana pushed her hair from her face behind her ears. She pulled herself up onto the edge, dangling her legs in the water still.

Walker swam over to her, holding onto the ledge next to her. "Why haven't you been around sooner? I get you are homeschooled but you still could've tagged along with Addison."

Luciana looked down at the boy, only seeing a light shadow casted upon his face and his piercing eyes. "To be honest, i've always found social outings and making friends harder for me." For some reason she felt comfortable telling him even though they only met today.

"I understand, it can be intimidating for some. I never had a real friend group until these guys." Walker stated, resting his arms on the edge now.

"You guys are amazing. I was always scared of not being liked yk?" Luciana cursed herself for making herself seem weak. "Sorry nevermind that was stupid." She laughed.

"No it's not. You can talk to me I won't judge you." Walker tilted his head on his arms to look at the girl.

"Thank you Walker." She looked away from him and back at the water.

Luciana pushed off her arms back into the water.

"How long have you known Addison?" Walker started a new conversation to finish the silence.

"Since I was three. My mom took me to a playground and this girl said she liked my flower dress. We became inseparable since." Luciana smiled at the corny memory. "How about you?"

"I met her last year, Aryan introduced me to her when we went out to get ice cream with McKenna." Walker responded, moving off the ledge to pace around in the water.

"What's public school like?" Luciana questioned, the nerves creeping up on her again about the drastic change.

"I mean it's alright, school to me is what you make of it. There's horrible people but there are the best people if you look I guess. Sounds cringe but it's true." He thought, trying his best to explain.

"It will be a new experience for all 3 of us going into high school. Aryan, Mo, and MaKenna are in grade 10 though so they already know what it's like." He continued.

"How did you become friends with them if they are 2 years older?" Luciana wondered.

"Oh we met because of my sister Leena, she's their age." Walker answered. "When's your birthday?"

"January 23rd, how about you?" Luciana recycled his question.

"January 5th, i'm older than you." Walker prided.

Luciana swam over to him, splashing him in the face. "By what?! 18 days!"

He got her back, with more water. They continued, attempting to shove more water than the other. Walker grabbed her wrists to contain her from pushing the water towards him. They stood still for a moment, frozen.

"I'm sorry." Walker immediately dropped her hands when he realized.

"Don't worry about it blondie." She smiled up at the boy.

"Blondie? Defining me by my hair color. I didn't choose this life." Walker pouted sarcastically.

"Be quiet, I think your hair suits you. It contrasts your eyes." Luciana said without thinking. Oh my gosh he probably thinks i'm flirting. I don't even know how to talk to boys what am I doing. She mentally face palmed.

Walker noticed her changed expression of stress. He laughed. "Why thank you Luce."



"Are you okay?" Walker raised an eyebrow at the girl.

"Oh yeah sorry i'm good." Bro why am I being so awkward. He caught me off guard. Like majorly off guard.

"Alright, we should probably head out. It's getting pretty late." Walker suggested after a brief minute of silence.

"Yeah we should." Luciana found her consciousness, getting out of the water and wrapping a towel around her body.

Marigold - Walker ScobellWhere stories live. Discover now