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Her day was going pretty well. When she didn't know anyone in the class, Luciana just listened to the teacher and texted Addy.

It was her last period now. Luciana couldn't find the class. There was only 2 seconds left until the bell rung. Luciana frantically looked around in distress, getting no where. She checked her phone with her schedule to make sure that the room was 210. Walking faster now, she searched for any rooms with 200.

Impact hit her left side, causing Luciana to stumble and drop her phone. She closed her eyes. Ofc this was happening to her when the day was going great, until now. Curse wherever this stupid room was, is it even real?!

She was so caught up in the situation that she didn't realize the person that bumped into her. They mumbled a few 'omg sorry's' and picked up her phone that slid across the floor about a foot.

They both looked up at each other.

"Walks?" The girl questioned in shock.

"Luce?" He questioned back at her, stood frozen.

"Wait you're coming to this school?!" Walker exclaimed.

"Yeah, I didn't know you were attending this school." Luciana stared up at him.

Blanking out of her trance, she accepted her phone back which was luckily not broken.

"I can't find my class, where are you going?" Luciana huffed as they walked together through the hall.

"Me either, 210 geometry, I swear I looked everywhere!" Walker said in frustration and confusion.

"ME TOO!" Luciana turned towards him with a surprised expression.

The two fortunately found a hall monitor and asked them where the room was. That ended up in the monitor escorting them to the other side of the school where their class was.

"God this is so embarrassing." Walker leaned closer to the girl whispering in her ear as they reached the room.

What's more embarrassing is how your proximity and voice made my face hotter than it should've. Luciana squeezed her eyes shut trying to ignore his presence right behind her.

"I know, we're so stupid." Luciana agreed.

"I'm sorry sir, we got lost." Walker admitted for the both of them.

"No worries, go find a seat." The old straggly man flattened.

The two made their way to the way back, finding a row with a table of two connected. They sat down, letting out a breath both of them had been holding.

"Omg Walker. I made these for you but I was planning on giving them to you when I saw you next." Luciana revealed, pulling out a few blue cookies from her bag.

"No way Luce you're the best!" Walker exclaimed, happily taking them.

"I'm honestly really craving some ice cream." Luciana declared, laying her head on her arms.

"Do you want to go after school? I know a good place we could walk to." Walker proposed, scratching the back of his neck. He knew they were new friends but he was nervous that she would say she already had plans.

"Is that even a question?! Sold." Luciana sprung up from her position, tilting her head towards him.

He laughed at the girls passion for food. Their old hag of a teacher introduced himself and his syllabus then shut up so the two just talked the rest of the class.

"Oh I forgot to ask for your contact when we hung out." Luciana recognized, giving him her phone.

"If you want my number just say it Luce." Walker owned cockily, but fully intended on his newfound ego being a joke.

Luciana was taken back. The audacity. Can he stop talking please.

Walker sensed her shift in her mind as she zoned out. She must have known he was joking right?

"Fine you got me there Scobell." She put her hands up in defense.

Thank god, I thought I said something out of pocket. Walker calmed.

The end of the period came fast. Students filled out of the school. Walker and Luciana made their way out, but everyone was pushing around. Luciana grabbed Walker's upper arm so that she wouldn't get separated from him.
Walker pov:

A hand gripped my bicep. I glanced back to see Luce, looking panicked and squished. This guy was too close to her, causing her to squeeze in her arms. I reached back with my free arm, shoving the guy.

Me and Luciana finally made it out of the crowd. "We're gonna need a better route out of there." I laughed, still feeling her hand latched onto my arm.

"Yeah never again I could hardly breathe!" Luciana laughed.

She let go, the absence of her warmth made me feel slightly emptier.

We started our way to the ice cream shop.

"How was your first day of public school Lu?" I questioned the girl, thinking of a new name on the spot.

"It wasn't as bad as I thought. I met a new friend and I have you in a class, Addy in 4, and her in one too!" Luciana unfolded, telling him about her day.

"That's good. I'm glad you're fitting in perfectly." Walker genuinely was happy for her.

They came up to the ice cream shop, looking at the varieties they could choose from.

"Cookies and cream please." Luciana beamed at the sight of her favorite ice cream.

"I'll do the same as her." Walker suggested.

After arguing for a minute in front of the employee, Walker ended up winning, sliding his card through the reader.

"You're insufferable Scobell."

"You seem to enjoy my company so I wouldn't agree." Walker sighed at the stubborn brunette.

They left the shop, sitting down at a table outside.

Luciana heard flickering near, stitching her eyebrows together. "What is that?"

Walker realized paparazzi found him, grabbing her to pull her up. He lightly tugged on her hand, taking her away from the area. Luciana stared at the boy confused about what was going on.

Walker seemed like he was high alert, running from a 5 star rank, ifykyk.

He took her all the way back to her the front of her house without saying a word.

"I had fun with you Luce but I got to go." Walker confessed to the girl staring up at him who was oblivious to who he was. He felt guilty but he wanted her to be friends with him because of him not who everyone else puts him to be.

Luciana pov-

What. What the hell happened?

I hauled myself onto my bed. My thoughts were progressively getting more intense. Ugh. He is so confusing.

I was so drained from the day I just fell asleep right there.

Marigold - Walker ScobellWhere stories live. Discover now