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After a few games of Aryan cheating, they all gave up. Luciana felt included and she was having fun. She hated to admit that she wished she would've tried to involve herself earlier, but she was scared. She was thankful that so far they all treated her like they have known her their whole life. It's only been a few hours and it's felt like 30 minutes.

Momona ordered chipotle for dinner since it was about 7pm. They sat down in the couch area, drained from all the games they've played. Outbanks was still playing, reaching the end of season 1.

A ding came from Mo's phone.

"FOOOOD!" Aryan jumped up, tripping over Addison's leg as he ran.

He opened the front door, grabbing 2 bags from the porch. Setting them down on the island, he pulled everything out, searching for his.

The rest of them sat down at a stool, waiting for Aryan to finish going insane.

The group ate their food, energy slowly returning from the devious meal. Upon finishing, Walker sneaked a few cookies as they all stumbled down the stairs.

Momona yawned, stretching her arms. "Alright guys do you want to figure out the sleeping situation before we do whatever next."

"Oh yeah let's do that." Addison professed.

"There are 2 bed rooms with 2 beds, and then ofc the couch." Mo continued.

"I call DIBS on a bed to myself." Aryan stated first to say something.

"Funny. Would you want to share a room with me?" McKenna asked Mo.

"Yeah that sounds good. Addy and Lucy do you guys want to take the other one?" Momona questioned the girls.

"We will, our bags in one of them so we will just take that one then." Addison smiled.

"Sorry your hiness but are we men unimportant to you?!" Walker gasped, kneeling on lis left knee as to hail the girls.

"Us women have rights. In this house you boys don't." Mo countered, crossing her arms to act serious.

"I see how it is Momo." Aryan turned throwing a fit.

"You are such a child." Momona sighed.

They all went to ther respective rooms, besides the boys who just messed around on the couch.

Addison flopped onto her bed. "Hows it going Lucy?"

"I'm having fun. Your friends are so fun and welcoming." Luciana imitated her as she jumped on her bed.

"I'm glad you are. They're your friends now too!" Addy reassured, moving over to Luciana's bed to give her a hug.

"Thank you Addy I owe you my life for real." The brunette said truthfully. She couldn't imagine what she would do with out her.

"Enough, now come on let's go scare Aryan." Addy said with a devilish smile, plotting to jumpscare the boy.

They snuck out the room, quietly going behind the couch. Aryan was sitting in front of the spot they were at. The duo looked at each other, whispering a countdown. Then, they sprung up, on each side of him.

"HOLY **** **** ****** ***** **** ****" Aryan shouted a bunch of slurs as his soul left his body.

"Why am I targeted. No one likes me." Aryan put his head down playfully to act innocent.

"Seriously dude you are the biggest pick me." Walker talked loud for his voice to reach the other side of the room. He was playing one of those stand up arcade games, Pac man I believe.

"Don't forget who the alpha is here Scobell." Aryan shouted back at him.

The girls stared at him in disbelief that he would say such a sinful statement.

Thank god Mo and Kenna walked back out from their room to interrupt Aryan's pack calling.

"Guys are you down to go swim right now?" McKenna asked the 4 who were by the couch now.

"Is that even a question, I'm a mother fucking mermaid!" Aryan pretended to toss his imaginary hair.

"I'll play mermaids with you Aryan!!!" McKenna replied excitedly.

Brushing off that whole conversation, they went to go change.

Luciana and Addison went back into their room, grabbing their suits out of their bag. Lucy brought a plain navy one. After she was done changing, she got out of the bathroom, so Addy could change. Luciana grabbed a plain oversized tee with 'NEW YORK' written in red.

They all came out of their rooms. The boys were sitting on the couch in their suits waiting for the girls.

Running up the stairs, Addison and McKenna bumped into each other, causing a whole domino effect. They really needed a better way to get up the stairs without something happening.

Finally the group made it outside. Luciana felt the light summer breeze hit her body, the humidity at a perfect level. Aryan whipped out his goggles, putting them on. There were unicorns on the eye part and they looked like they were cutting off his circulation.

"Did you go shopping in the kids section Aryan?" Luciana genuinely asked the troubled child.

"They don't make ones these rad for grown men like me." Aryan shrugged, diving into the pool.

Luciana took off her shirt, setting it down on a chair. They got into the pool, the instant coolness shot up Lucy's body.

It was dark, the only thing that helped them see was the led lights that lined the pool. Momona set them to a blue shade.

After a few seconds of trying to get used to the water, Aryan began flopping like a fish, claiming he was a mermaid. McKenna joined him, profusely making fun of him as his 'mermaid' was more like drowning.

"Aryan your fantasy of being Emma from Mako mermaids is not working out for you buddy." McKenna laughed at Aryan whose hair covered his goggles in his eyes.

"You just crushed my dreams." Aryan splashed her.

All 6 of them swam around, playing marco polo and splashing each other. Walker did some cool backflip into the pool too.

"I'm tired, I think i'm gonna go dry off." Momona announced, ringing her hair full of water.

"Yeah same, i'm coming." Addison swam toward the stairs.

"3rd that." Aryan and McKenna said at the same time, then glared at each other when they realized.

"You coming?" Addison asked Luciana who was doing laps.

"I think i'm gonna swim for a little still." Luciana admitted, finding comfort in the water during the silent night.

"Suit yourself. I'll probably be in the room." Addy replied as they all walked back inside.

Luciana stood in the pool, seeing Walker still there.

Marigold - Walker ScobellWhere stories live. Discover now