021 : Love is such a fickle thing.

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You're in no one's perspective.

Today wasn't what Saki thought it hoped to be.

Flashback, 10:30AM

Saki: Ichi-chan!!!

Kohane had her arm around Ichika. Both laughing together. Saki didn't think it meant anything. She shrugged it off and went to class, hoping Ichika would follow.

Once Saki got to the classroom, she was greeted with Haruka.

Haruka: Morning, Saki-chan.
Saki: Good morning!
Haruka: Where's Ichika?
Saki: Oh! She's just outside! Look-

Once Saki looks out the window with Haruka, she sees Kohane.. and.. Ichika,, her girlfriend.. kissing..? Saki is mortified. She watches in horror, tears welling up in her eyes. Haruka notices and quickly tries to give Saki a reassuring pat on the back. Ichika looks up at the window, looking directly at Saki. Saki covers her eyes and runs out of Miyamasuzaka. Running past both Kohane and Ichika.

Ichika: Saki! Wait! No!

Ichika looks back at Kohane. Upset. Before trying to chase Saki. But it was too late, Saki had already ran 2 blocks. Ichika could feel her heart drop. She could feel herself losing everything she's loved. Losing the person she loved most. She wished Saki could've heard. She wished Kohane wouldn't have forced the kiss on her. ( im so sorry kohane fans )

Saki arrived home. Not even thinking about anything else other than what she had saw. She asked her parents to stay home for the rest of the school day since she wasn't " feeling well ".

Later at lunch, her brothers had come home. Both noticing Saki had stayed home.

Tsukasa: Saki?! What are you doing here?
Saki: Oh.. hi 'nii-chan, Toya..
Toya: Did something happen at school today?
Saki: Ichika cheated on me.

Kanade coming out of nowhere. How good is her hearing that she heard that? And how was she able to get down so fast?

Saki: Oh, well.. Kohane-chan and Ichi-chan were kissing.. and well, they've been hanging out a lot too. So I kinda guessed-
Tsukasa: I AM GOING TO..
Toya: No.
Kanade: But she-
Toya: No. Saki will take care of us on her own. She's responsible enough. We'll be here when you need help though. You can always count on us.
Saki: Thanks you guys..

Saki was about to tear up again. Kanade and Tsukasa were probably.. plotting something since they wouldn't stop whispering to each other. And Toya was just sitting beside Saki. He was quiet. And a little awkward, but it made Saki feel nice knowing her brother and friends always had her back. She went on her phone. Both Haruka and Ichika.. blowing up her phone. She doesn't feel like answering Ichika right now so she opens Haruka's dms.

Haruka - Kiritani !!

saki r u ok?

i saw what happened. im extremely sorry.

if u need comfort then im always open :)

pls answer ure making me worried.

ive told shizuku, which im pretty sure she'll tell shiho and honami next.

saki ! (o^^o)
im fine haruka-chan :) ty 4 being there for me!

Haruka - Kiritani !!
nw. js hope ure ok. u coming tmrw? or u still need time off?

saki ! (o^^o)
i'll be back my thursday!!

Haruka - Kiritani !!
alr, i'll tell the teacher.

Saki smiled warmly. Another friend who cares a lot about her. She's glad to have many friends that look out for her. She put her phone away. It was past lunch and she hasn't even prepared food. She decided to just go out to a bakery or something to get food. Maybe a croissant. Food always makes her feel better~ Gets her mind off all the negative things. And maybe tomorrow it'll all be sorted out. Hopefully..

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