Muse 27.

656 45 24

Third person's pov:

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Three knocks onto the door make Jungkook leave the focus upon the documents under him and lift his eyes above. "Come in"he lays his eyes on a very unexpected person,that he didn't expect would ever come to his office.

"Bonjour,Mr Jungkook"ahh,this douchebag obviously. Lori stands in a cosplay of a very dintinguished gentleman with a bright smile soread upon his lips.

"Welcome Mr Lori,have a seat"jungkook leans back upon his seat,watching him take steps and move towards him,taking a seat opposite to him. "Everything alright?"he quieries.

"What do you mean?"lori frowns upon his out of syllabus question. "You. Coming to my office unannounced,might be a very glorious reason hm?"they both share a laugh,stopping with looking at each other,expressions saying that you're a bastard to each other.

"Well,we've been having alot of random meetups these days so why not one more?"

"This one doesn't seems random to me,Lori"

"You're quite clever i must say,Jungkook"

"What's your dintinguished reason that you're here?"

"I recieved your special treat and your kind reminder that you recorded for me"

Jungkook's lips flinch up from a side as he covers hus face with his hands in a fist,a wave of prideness rising inside him. "I'm glad you did,and I hope that you liked it. Afterall,Y/n and I had to work hard for it"

Lori just want to snap his neck open at the words he was using for him but he controls his nerves,keeping a calm and collected posture. "You see Jungkook,i'm a very patient and calm guy as you already know but sometimes,when i see a dog barking and provoking me continuosly,I like to lose my patience a bit"

Getting out a USB from his pocket,he holds it between his fingers and shows it to him. "You might wanna look inside it"as he slides it towards jungkook who catches it under his palm,eyes going between him and the USB.

He inserts it into his laptop and opens the annoynomous file,seeing the recording from a very specific day. "This might refresh your memory jungkook"he ignores Lori's voice,just staring at the moving photos,where he was beating Nate Sebastian to death.

"And what about it?"jungkook speaks up. "There were many articles and rumors about you having a connection with Nate Sebastian's death. What do you think would happen if I post it online? Would that stop the dog to stop barking at me?"

The devilish smirk upon Lori's lips didn't go unnoticed by him,but he didn't look fazed by it instead enjoying everything that was happening. "Do anything you want with it Lori. Do i look like i care at all?"lori frowns,seeing no confusion or fear upon jungkook's face.

"But you might wanna see this first before uploading it online"as he opens another file on his laptop and turns the screen towards Lori. There was a video being shown on it,in Prison,in Jonas Sebastian's cell,where Lori was slicing open Jonas's neck. Murdering him in silence.

Lori's movements come to a slight halt,as he just lets out an amused laughter. "Now Lori,what would happen if I post this video online? Don't you think,you're deliberately provoking the dog too?"

Lori was actually impressed,he was actually surprised by how he had gotten this clip. "I've my ways Lori. If you take 1 step,I take 2"he closes the laptop,putting it away and sliding the USB back to him. "Reconsider your actions before attempting them because my reactions,will be deadly. So don't complain after that I didn't warn you"

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