Muse 33.

638 45 1

Third person's pov:

"Lori,don't cancel any of my schedule ahead"y/n announces her decision to Lori who looks at her,lifting his eyes above his laptop. "And why so? I think you should stay under for a little more time,Love"

She chuckles,sipping her black coffee from her mug. "If i stayed dead for a little too long Lori,people might start assuming that i'm really dead. I need to make a comeback and futhermore,the Vogue awards are coming. I need to be there to grab the award for the model of the year"

He smiles,staring at her face through his glasses. "Are you sure? I don't want you to regret anything and also,there are many audiences who are against you so i think-"

"People had always been against me Lori. And i've always got bothered by it but now,i need to show them that i don't give a single crap about bullshit. Morever,if all the prople hate you,it's the sign that you're a successful boss bitch"

She sits beside him as they both give each other a look and she gestyres tiwards the laptop with her brows. "So go ahead,and do the honors"and he breathes out a chuckle,opening the social media anmouncing to everyone by a post that Y/n Rosalia Abalkin is back,back to take everyone down.

"Tell them,that Y/n Rosalia Abalkin is back from the dead and that playtime's over now"

Samara Jeans. Who's face was permenantly deformed now lays on the hospital bed with bandages all around her face and neck as her heartbeat goes too low and her oxygen rate at borderline.

All her beauty was ruined,the doctor's had barely saved her. Missouri stands beside her bed,looking at her with arms crossed. "How do you feel now?"he mutters,it was like he was talking to a corpse.

"I warned you didn't I?"just her pukse on the monitor,and no reply from her. A loud silence between them since samara even had lost one of her eyes because of y/n hitting the heel and rupturing her eye.

"If only you had been a little wiser,you could have ended at a better place"he grits his teeth,rubbing his forehead in distress. "It's a miracle you're even alive"he keeps adding more and more,seeing her pulse rate increasing on the monitor.

"Can't even talk now,pathetic"scoffing,he leaves the room to find a nurse to look at her. It was all over the news that y/n had beated Samara Jeans to death but no one was ready to take samara's side anymore after knowing that she was not Abalkin's muse anymore.

Abalkin had no muse anymore which had left it ti decline in the scale of popularity which gave missouri a headache each and every second. He couldn't tolerate the fact what y/n had done to Abalkin's,hence he was considering to change his sides since he had already seen the downfall of Abalkin's in the future.

Samara who was drowned in her own mind and thoughts,feels a tear slipping down her cheek. Not being able to see,talk or ecen move was something that she didn't expect anywhere in her life,she just wanted to be perfect but jealousy ruined her.

It was a jealousy that didn't make any sense,that wasn't to be given birth but it still did and here she was niw,lying on the hospital bed with all her beauty snatched from her.

The voice of heels stomping in the hallway make her ears perk up. The chills on her body frightening up as everything falls quietened except the sound of the heels,getting more and more closer to her,her pulse raising with each stomp.

"Bonjour,Samara Jeans"y/n's eerie whisoer into her ear make her flare up,her senses kicking in,panic starting to take it's place inside her body. She inagines y/n standing over her with no one around,what if she was here to actually kill her this time?

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