Muse 37.

610 43 7

Third person's pov:

"Where's Y/n?"the maid looks back,seeing Lori entering the house and putting his things down. "She's in the dining hall"he nods,taking his coat off and loosening his tie and taking out some documents from his bag before making his way to her.

As he enters,he sees a vivid looking Y/n,eating her food from her plate that was settled in front of her with a blank expression,eyes focused out. She's blank again. She doesn't even hears the sound of his taking steps as he closures her.

Sitting in front of her,he snaps his fingers in front of her face to make her snap out of her mind. "You okay Love?"a soft smile,making her raised heartbeat settle down.

"Yeah...absolutely. When did you get back? I didn't notice"he chuckles,seeing her pushing her plate away but he moves it back in front of her. "You should finish your food hm? Want me to heat it up for you?"

She shakes her head,sighing. "How was your day?"she quiries,seeing him staring at her so softly,making her let out a smile too. "It was good,though I missed you being with me but it's fine. I settled some meetings and collaborations with some companies"

She nods,getting back to her food just fumbling with it with her fork,eyes going out of focus again. He notices it,looking at her with so much anticipation wanting to get inside her mind,trying to read her thoughts.

"What's on your mind now?"he gets closer to her,lifting his hand to carress strands of her hair. She doesn't looks at him,just puts down her cutlery before looking at him. "You're worrying about him right?"they both fumble into each other's eyes for a moment.


Is it worry?

"It's not worry Lori"

"Then what is it?"

"I've told him to murder Samara and Missouri"

"I know that"

No change in his expressions,nothing budges.

"Does that make me horrible?"

He chuckles,carressing her cheek delicately. She was unsure of her decisions,unsure of her capabilities,unsure of her persona.

She was worried but not for him,for herself. She was wirried that was she really this heartless? Was she really this evil? To make someone kill someone else?

"No. It doesn't. It would never"

A little of a relief in her heart,she lets out a sigh. "I don't know what i'm doing or what i'm supposed to do Lori. If I really make him kill the people that hurted me,make him hurt himself,would that really make me happy in the end? Would I really be able to feel satisfied by the ending?"

"Will it make you happy or not,don't decide that now my Love. It's not something for you to decide now. Hurt him how much he hurted you and then leave him,don't mend yourself with him after that"

She just keeps her eyes lost in his,staring into them as she analyzes each and every word of his,trying her best to relieve herself.

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is,focus on yourself Y/n. Don't expect Abalkin's downfall to satisfy you rather find your happiness in yourself. Doesn't that sounds nice? To just look after your oen happiness?"

"But he hurted me Lori..."

"I know Love I know but think yourself,is it really worth it? To sacrifice your own peace just to ruin someone other's? Will ruining Jungkook after killing your own happiness make your happy? You were never this heartless my Love,never this cruel"

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