2) Because You Might Just Get It

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"What do you want?" Peter asks as we wait in line staring at the menu

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"What do you want?" Peter asks as we wait in line staring at the menu. I look around the ice cream shop just letting my eyes wander.

"I don't want anything" I say as I watch a little girl skip around eating an ice cream cone her blond pigtails bouncing as she skips. He turns to look at me sharply his emerald green eyes full of concern.

"No, you're getting something. I know you didn't eat breakfast because you never do and you never ate lunch which I know since I was sitting next to you the entire time." He says sternly. "Go find a table I'll get something I know you like." He rubs my shoulder before I walk away choosing a table outside pointed towards the beach. 

A few minutes later Peter sits across from my holding 2 ice cream cones. One with some green the other with cookies and cream.

"I got you green tea knowing that's your favorite." He says handing me the green one. "I considered getting you Mint chip but I couldn't think of saying it without hurling." He adds dramatically.

"That because you hate mint," I say rolling my eyes before licking my ice cream before it starts to melt.

"That's not true. It has its place." He exclaims. Ha biggest lie he ever said.

"Says the guy that uses kid's toothpaste because he thinks the mint version is disgusting." I say laughing. Before grabbing a napkin to wipe up the bit of ice cream that dripped onto the table.

"Okay 3 things," he says holding up 3 fingers. "1, it still fights cavities. 2, it has sparkles. 3, for that I'm taking your ice cream." He lists before trying to grab my ice cream.

"Okay I'm sorry. I'm sorry! Leave my ice cream alone." I says pulling my hand holding my ice cream away. My phone's timer rings I turn the alarm off standing up. "I need to get going." I say grabbing my bag and binder.

"I'll walk you home." Peter says taking my bag from me pulling it carefully off my shoulder as to not hit my injured ribs. I open my mouth to say that he doesn't have to but Peter is already leading the way before I can get a sound out. Shaking my head I race to catch up to him.


"Why are there cops at your house?" Peter questions whispering in my ear as we walk closer. I shrug unable to speak. Understanding he wraps his arm around me as a way to remind me that he's there.

"Are you Alexa Williams?" A cop asks once he notices us. I nod adjusting my grip on my binder. "I'm sorry to inform you but your father- sorry stepfather, died earlier today due to overdose. We're going to need to take you down to the station and see if we can find any of your relatives. If we are unable to you'll be put in the system." I just nod my brain having trouble processing. Peter goes to remove his arm from my waist but I lean against him silently asking if he'll come with. Out of the corner of my eye I see the cop open the back door of his car and motion for us to get in. I slid across the hard plastic seats and Peter follows the police officer shutting it behind him.

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