8)Her Misery Ended and Mine Began

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Blinking awake I raise my hand to block the sun that was shining in my eyes but it moved to the side of my hand closing my eyes again I mutter "Someone turn off the sun

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Blinking awake I raise my hand to block the sun that was shining in my eyes but it moved to the side of my hand closing my eyes again I mutter "Someone turn off the sun." I hear the click of a flashlight turning off and my eyelids look black rather than a weird orange pink color.

"Alexa!" Alex's voice exclaims before weight lands on top of me. I let out a slight yelp as the weight presses down on my injured ribs. Opening my eyes I see Carter pull Alex off me.

"You do not jump on someone with injured ribs." Carter says smacking the back of Alex's head his head jolts forward a bit messing up his hair.

"Sorry" he saws meekly. I rub the sleep from my eyes yawning softly before sitting up. I look around the room trying to figure out what's going on. All of my brothers minus Nico are either standing or sitting around my room. There's a man that I don't recognize which frightens me a bit but none of my brothers seem worried by his presence so I accept it relaxing.

"You're good." I say before realizing what Carter said. Shoot! They know I'm hurt how am I going to explain this. Seeing my slightly panic expression Matteo starts talking. "Yup, we know you're hurt and about Tom abusing you." He says softly Alex sits beside me hugging me to his chest. Turning my face to his chest I let out a uneven breath my body shaking slightly. Feeling me shaking Alex's arms tighten around me resting his head on my shoulder he whispers in my ear "None of us are going to hurt you. We just want to keep you safe."

I nod turning my head so I can see the others. "So let's have Michael our doctor finish your check up then we'll talk. Sound good?" Lucas asks looking around at all of us. We all nod then Michael politely asks my brothers to leave so he can finish the check up. Alex, Thomas and Carter protest but Lucas and Matteo drag them out of my room.

"I'm Michael your family's doctor. Though you have probably gathered that." Michael says holding out a hand for me to shake. Which I do while introducing myself. He has some form of accent that's not Italian but I can't identify it. Something about his calm caring personality kind of reminds me of Peter.

"What's your favorite color?" Michael asks trying to start conversation as he wraps a rib brace around my torso he had already finished the check up portion. I was staring out my window lost in thought.

"Turquoise. What's yours?" I reply turning my head to look at him. After thinking for awhile he replies "White or a very light blue." He fastens the brace which I can feel pressing in my ribs slightly but it doesn't hurt just feels odd.

"What's this from?" He asks trailing his fingers over the scar on my stomach lightly. Jerking away from his touch I drop my shirt back down.

"A reminder of the last time I trusted someone" I say fiddling with the fringes the small throw pillow beside me. Michael looks at me sadly before patting my back and leaving the room probably to get my brothers. Letting out a shaky sigh I allow my body to fall backward to lay staring at the ceiling the sun casting odd shadows across it.

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