9) Leave Her Alone Or I Swear I'll Kill You

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Note: I should've said this earlier but I don't speak Italian so if any of you do and my translator got it wrong please let me know and I'll fix it. Enjoy😊

(Edit: I kinda hate this chapter but I really don't know how to make it better so please don't drop this book I promise the next chapter will be better)

⚠️Tw: sh? (Alexa snaps a hair tie against her wrist as like a nervous thing I'm not sure if it counts but just wanted to be safe)

⚠️Tw: sh? (Alexa snaps a hair tie against her wrist as like a nervous thing I'm not sure if it counts but just wanted to be safe)

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A week has paced since Alexa's freak out in the hospital and she's really begun to relax. She still flinches away if one us raises our hand or voices. After learning what sets her off we try our best to avoid them. That is except Nico, he seems bent on doing every that scares her. I think back to the day after her freak out. 


I smile down at Alexa who was sleeping peacefully on my chest wrapped in a dark blue blanket. Alex had been sitting on the other side of the couch but left a few hours ago to go with his friends leaving Alexa and I to our random movie binge fest. The oven beeps signaling that the cookies Alexa and I had put in the oven earlier were done. Doing my best not to wake her  I replace my body with a pillow before leaving to the kitchen.

Just after open the oven Nico's voice shouts from the living room followed by Alexa's high pitched shriek running back to the living room I pull my gun out of the holster on my hip prepared for an intruder but it's just Alexa and Nico in the room. Alexa curled into a ball in the corner moving away from Nico when he walks closer. He just laughs seeming happy that his little sister is on the verge of a panic attack. Hitting him across the back of the head with the blunt of my gun I replace it at my hip running over to Alexa.

Fast footsteps sound from upstairs. "What's all the shouting?" Lucas exclaims looking over all of us for injuries. Seeing Alexa curled up in my arms he frowns.

"Just Nico being an idiot."


Looking over at Nico's phone that I had taken after that incident I sigh. I don't know why he keeps treating her like this. When we were younger she was his favorite, he loved Alex and Adam too but we all had our favorite triplet. Mine was Adam and Lucas's was Alex. Carter and Thomas really just loved all three, they always had a special place in their hearts for Alexa though as she was their only sister.

My phone rings startling me out of my thoughts.

"Hey Alex what's up?" I say adjusting a few papers on my desk.

"Alexa's out from surgery and we're just waiting for her to wake up." He replies. A few hours ago Alexa was taken for surgery on her ankle. She panicked a bit before being taken away so I promised her that we would all be there when she woke.

"I'll be right there." I cutting the call leaving my office to go to the medical wing. Glancing another photo on my desk of Alexa and Nico. Alexa's in his arms holding a giant ice cream cone that he had gotten her in her hands giggling. Smiling slightly I hope they manage to repair their relationship.

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