4) What Did I Do??

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As the plane climbs my head begins to ache as if it's going to explode I bend forward resting my head in my hands staring at the grey and black carpet that covers the floor of the airplane

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As the plane climbs my head begins to ache as if it's going to explode I bend forward resting my head in my hands staring at the grey and black carpet that covers the floor of the airplane. A hand is laid on my back and flinch away sitting back up. Alex holds up his hands.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to startle you." He says resting his hands in his lap. "I was just going to tell you to yawn or swallow." Upon seeing my confused expression he explains. "It'll make your ears pop making it stop hurting" I try and sure enough my ears make a loud popping noise, my headache disappearing. I whisper a small "thanks" fiddling with my necklace absent mindedly.

"I have something to show you. May I?" Alex says holding his hand out towards my necklace after undoing his seatbelt and twisting to face me. I hesitate before nodding unfastening the clasp and handing it to him. He smiles and takes a watch, that kinda looks like my necklace, from his wrist. Flipping it over reveals a butterfly shaped slot in the bottom. My necklace snaps into the slot with a solid "click" the watch face springing open. Revealing two photos one of two toddlers, Alex and I, and the other a family kneeling on the grass infront of a house with their arms around each other smiling with the same toddlers sitting infront of them laughing.

 Revealing two photos one of two toddlers, Alex and I, and the other a family kneeling on the grass infront of a house with their arms around each other smiling with the same toddlers sitting infront of them laughing

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I smile lightly looking at the pictures my curtain bangs falling into my face slightly

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I smile lightly looking at the pictures my curtain bangs falling into my face slightly. Realizing that Alex is staring at me smiling tears filling his blue eyes which are mirrors of my own.

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