3) Our Piccola Farfalla

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I tap my foot as I wait for Matteo to finish signing paperwork

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I tap my foot as I wait for Matteo to finish signing paperwork. Hurry up!! I want to see Alexa.

"If you tap you foot any faster it's gonna fly off." Matteo says as his pen scratches on the paper as he signs. I roll my eyes pulling my phone out of my hoodies pocket which has been ringing non-stop from my brothers wanting to know about Alexa. My reply to all of them is the same Matteo is doing paperwork and that we haven't seen her.

"Okay.... done" Matteo says handing the last paper to the social worker. Who looks if over making sure it's all filled out before putting it in her folder.

"Alright let's go get your sister." She says leading us through the station to outside a waiting room. "Okay, your sister is in here along with her best friend who came along to help keep her calm." I bounce on my toes waiting for her to finish speaking. She opens the door walking in with us behind her before shutting it.

I see a female version of me lying on a dark haired boy. His fingers weaving through her wavy brunette hair softly. Alexa's eyes are closed her chest rising and falling with slow even breaths. The boy turns to look at us looking slightly confused before shaking Alexa softly to wake her. She whines softly before her eyes open blinking a few times to get used to the light. Upon seeing Matteo and I she sits up straight moving the dark jacket that had previously been draped over her legs and hands it to the boy. Who bends down and puts it in his backpack beside the couch.

"Alexa. This is Matteo and Alex Valentino, your brothers." Ms. Thompson says. She waves and smiles shyly before looking down at her hand. "Matteo has agreed to take custody of you." She adds Alexa just nods twirling her long hair around her finger. Her hair sometimes getting tangled from time to time and she pulls at it to release her finger.

I can't help but chuckle softly. She did that all the time when we were younger when she was nervous or bored. I guess somethings never change.

"Whenever you're ready to go we can swing by your house and get your stuff." Matteo says as I sit on the couch across from them. She looks up startled her dark blue eyes a mirror of my own.

"Where are we going?" She asks softly looking between the two of us and the social worker. Her friend wraps his arm around her shoulders rubbing her left shoulder soothingly.

"We're going home." I say itching to hug her but force myself not to so I don't make her uncomfortable. Her hand reached up and starts fiddling with a small silver chain around her neck. The charm of the necklace, a blue morpho butterfly, is revealed when she tugs on it. I can't help but reach under my sleeve and fiddle with the strap of my matching watch.

"Where's that?" She asks timidly leaning farther into her friends chest. He pulls her close whispering something in her ear to which she nods slightly glancing at him for a second before turning back to us.



Alexa is leaned against her friend, who I now know as Peter, in the backseat while Matteo and I sit upfront. Matteo keeps asking Alexa for directions even though I know he looked up where she lives. Probably trying not to frighten her. I watch as the fancy part of town fades to run down apartments and abandoned houses. Alexa calls from the back for Matteo to stop at a particular run down grey stone house. All the windows on the first floor are boarded up and most of the siding has either fallen or been torn off revealing the plywood underneath.

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