6) Brother #7?

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"Alexa" Alex's voice calls softly while shaking me

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"Alexa" Alex's voice calls softly while shaking me. I whine quietly sitting up. It's not normal for me to sleep without nightmares so when it does happen I try to sleep forever. "Time for dinner" 

Aah yes dinner when I have to sit at a table with my six bothers that I didn't know existed until a few days ago including one that hates my guts. Sounds fun!

Alex leads me downstairs to the dining room I fix my hair into a ponytail as we walk so hoping it looks somewhat presentable. The others are already there sitting at a long black table only the end of it occupied by plates and silverware. Nico is scrolling on his phone with Matteo shouting at him to put it away. He rolls his eyes but puts it in his pocket.

"Ci vediamo nel mio ufficio dopo cena" Matteo growls before smiling at me as he becomes aware of Alex and I. I take the empty seat beside Alex with Thomas on my other side. Maids come out and place a bowl of salad and another one of pasta.

(Meet me in my office after dinner)

"Thank you" I say softly the maid looks at me startled but with a glance at Matteo she retreats quickly. My brothers dig in but I hesitate remembering what happened last time I ate without permission. Taking a sip of water I weigh my options. Either I eat and possibly get beaten or I eat and it's fine but I could also just play it safe  and don't eat. Startling me out of my mental debate Thomas asks why I'm not eating. Matteo looks over at me raising his eyebrows slightly.

"s-sorry sir, I got lost in thought." I stutter fiddling with Mom's bracelet nervously. Alex reaches under the table and holds my hand still. Matteo frowns. 

" He's you brother don't call him sir" he says. I nod staring at the ground.

"Sorry habitual." I say still keeping my eyes on the black and white checkered tile floor. Thankfully he drops it and everyone returns to eating I poke at my food. It's delicious baked ravioli is my favorite but I don't have much of an appetite. Moving my food around my plate I try to make it seem like I'm eating. "May I be excused?" I asked softly. 

"You've barely eaten anything" Alex protests. Thomas rests his hand on my forehead checking my temperature. His hand is freezing!

"You're a bit warm." He says. I insist that I'm fine pulling his hand away.

"It's probably that our food isn't good enough for miss gold digger" Nico says glaring at me. Lucas who was sitting next to him smacks the back of his head him telling him to shut up. "Come on we all know it even dad. No wonder he went on a sudden business trip to avoid meeting her" I swallow staring down at my lap just wishing to disappear.

Matteo glares at Nico before turning to me. "I'll let you off this time but from now on you're expected to eat full meals" he says excusing me. I get up and walk out of the dining room. The table explodes behind me, multiple voices yelling at Nico. I keep walking my only goal to get away from the shouting.

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