5) The Pop Tart

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My brothers exchange a glance at my question they look like their talking through their looks sometimes nodding or shaking their heads

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My brothers exchange a glance at my question they look like their talking through their looks sometimes nodding or shaking their heads.

"You didn't do anything. Nico- hmmm- Nico was closest to you, other than Alex of course." Matteo says before continuing. "When you were taken it destroyed him. All of us really." He finishes reaching out to adjust my hair but stops when he sees me flinch away. He frowns looking at me concerned. You idiot, I scold myself, he's becoming suspicious. if they find out about Tom they'll hate you or think you're weak.

"Why don't we go inside and get the twins and Matteo some food. They had a long flight." Lucas says wrapping his arm around me and leading me into the house.

"What do you want to eat, Alexa?" Lucas asks as I sit on a stool infront if the marble island Alex sitting in the white swivel stool to right.

"What do you want to eat, Alexa?" Lucas asks as I sit on a stool infront if the marble island Alex sitting in the white swivel stool to right

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"I'm not that hungry. Thank you though." I say quietly looking around at the huge kitchen. Lucas had stared to look through the grey wooden cabinets with his back to us.

"You sure?" Matteo asks his face looking weirdly cold. "You didn't eat anything in the plane or while you were at the police station." I frantically try to come up with an excuse.

"Peter and I got food before the cops took us to the station." I say which technically isn't a total lie. We got ice cream. Matteo's dark blue eyes narrow sinking deeper into my seat I look away worried that he's going to get mad. Tom hated it if I made eye contact with him.

"That was at least 15-16 hours ago. But if you really don't feel like eating just eat something small okay?" He says kissing the top of my head. I nod and his phone rings after he sees the caller ID he waves before walking away answering the phone once he's out of earshot. Odd.

"What do you want Alex?" Lucas asks turning back to the two of us a pan in his hand. Alex replies with grilled cheese. Lucas looks at me silently asking if I'm okay with that I nod before looking down at my hands fiddling with mom's bracelet nervously the feeling of the silver chain on my fingers calming me slightly.

"What happened to Mom?" Alex asks looking at the bracelet around my wrist. I still tears welling in my eyes. It was all my fault if I hadn't begged mom to bring the dog with us she wouldn't have died. Lucas stills at the stove his hand hovered slightly over the pan meaning that he's listening.

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