7) Getting Some Answers

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Matteo's body blocks from my view but I can tell by his sharp intake of breath and by his panicked tone snapping at Lucas to call the doctor that it isn't good

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Matteo's body blocks from my view but I can tell by his sharp intake of breath and by his panicked tone snapping at Lucas to call the doctor that it isn't good. Getting up from the window reading nook I sit beside Thomas who turns his head to look at me and he wraps his arm around me in a kind of side hug. As I look at Alexa's ribs I wish I hadn't the bottom three ribs on her left side are covered in black and blue bruises edged in green. Lumps of bone randomly jut out hinting to the fact that they are broken.

"What is with all the shouting?" Carter yawns walking into the room in his Pokémon sweat pants. He stretches up yawning loudly shaking his head making his blond curls bounce slightly. Matteo, Thomas, Nico, Alexa and I got our brunette slightly wavy hair from our mother but Carter and Lucas got our dad's blond curls. All of our eyes though are a combination of our mom's and our dad's. Ocean blue from our mom with a ring of forest green in the center from our dad.

Seeing Alexa his eyes go wide making the ring of green in his eyes stand out more as his pupil shrinks. "I definitely missed something." I want to glare but the fact he woke up is impressive he can sleep through an air raid easily. Thomas chuckles slightly shaking his head. Alexa stirs slightly but remains asleep rolling onto her right side trapping Matteo's hand under her head. Matteo begins to move his hand away but stops when she whines in her sleep frowning slightly. He chuckles sitting on the edge of her bed leaving his left hand as her pillow. She smiles curling up. As if sensing she's cold Lucas pulls up her white comforter tucking it in around her chin giving her a soft kiss on the forehead he sits beside her with Thomas to his left.

I grab her phone off her nightstand surprisingly she doesn't have a password on it. Her lock screen is just a normal phone screen but her home screen is a photo of her and Peter with a waterfall in the background she's smiling the brightest I have ever seen her smile. I smile slightly before remembering why I grabbed her phone.

"What are you doing?" Lucas asks frowning slightly. I open her contacts scrolling through them. There's only four. Peter, Tom, her social worker, and "Singing Instructor/ Amanda". I make a mental note to add our numbers soon. Probably while the doctor is checking on her.

"Getting some answers." I say clicking Peter's contact.

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