The Importance of Blood Status

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The journey back to the Manor was quiet as the three of us headed back. I couldn't help but think about what happened back at Diagon Alley. Many questions filled my mind quickly- the one thing about your father isolating you from everyone and everything is not knowing the true intentions of those you've grown close to. Not that what happened before changed my opinions on those I'm with. My eyes looked towards Draco, who had been smiling from ear to ear since getting his new racing broom. Or, well... seven new racing brooms. 'To guarantee that you'll make the house team', his father told him as he made the purchase. Couldn't understand why. Draco and I played Quidditch all the time in the summers prior to now; he's pretty good. So what if Harry Potter's better? He's still pretty amazing. Better than me, that is. Guess Potter got the better half of the Quidditch skills. My eyes glanced over towards Lucius. His eye still bruised with the black eye left by the hand of Arthur Weasley. 'Cissy's going to hate it. Shoot. What's my dad going to think?

As the Manor came more into view and we edged closer to the front fence. The peacocks roaming freely around the yard. Lucius turned, facing the two of us with his hand raised for us to stop.

"Yes, father?" Draco asked.

"We should probably keep what happened back at Diagon Alley between us," he stated, "about what had happened between Weasley and-"

"Your face says otherwise." I responded quickly without thinking, immediately covering my mouth. "Sorry."

"It's fine. Very observant, as always." He flashed a sly smile towards me, "I'll handle it. The two of you don't have to worry about a thing."

"Yes, father." said Draco. The Malfoys are always so rehearsed when it comes to their own actions and responses. The Snapes, on the other hand, aren't as accustomed to it. Why would we? It's always been just us, my father and me. The Malfoys are always making sure others see them as one of the superior wizard families. My dad just wanted me to understand that, although we may seem to have a higher ground among those we kept close, we always stuck by each other no matter what. Of course, he also would tell me about my mother- how wizards, much like Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy, wouldn't have approved of her kind. Although I never fully understood as to why. I've always understood that I wasn't pureblood, like Draco, but I couldn't find it in myself to understand just why wizards had to label themselves based off their blood status.

Besides, both Narcissa and Lucius adore me. Always have. Ever since they first laid their eyes on me the day my father stood in their doorway, holding onto a bundle of blankets with a tiny baby girl inside them. Even when freaking out, his first thought was 'The Malfoys could take care of this'. 'Cissy always told me of how she always knew I was destined to have a great father, seeing how freaked my dad was as he clutched my tiny bundle of blankets in front of them. No matter how many times I was told the story, I couldn't picture it. My father never seemed to freak out. He always held onto this cold mannerism, holding in all those emotions he refused to let others see. I can almost see the mannerism break any time he looks into my eyes, but I never understood why. 

My eyes locked back on the two Malfoys again, who were now staring back at me as I lost myself in a silent trance. I just nodded in silence, following as they headed towards the house once again.


"Lucius Abraxas Malfoy, what the hell did you do?!" sounded Narcissa's voice almost immediately as the three of us entered the house.

"'Cissy, I can explain."

"You couldn't just take the kids to get their school supplies and come back home?"

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