Chapter 2, Lessons.

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"So, mate, what's your story?" Draco asked me. "How'd ya end up at Hogwarts?" I looked around, trying to find a way to escape. I saw at the red table -Gryffindor, was it?- a guy with red hair, holding hands with a bushy haired girl along with a guy with a lightning scar on his forehead glaring at us. Geez, what did he do to Zeus to deserve that?

Thinking about the gods and campers made my anger pulsate through me. Calm down, Percy, I told myself. "Um, I'll tell you later," I said quickly. "Sure," Draco said, slightly disappointed.

I looked away quickly. We ate dinner and went back to the Slytherin dorms. I hurriedly brushed my teeth and all those stuff before going to bed, anxious to avoid Draco's many questions. Truth was, I did not want to be relieved of my past as it still stung. It was a fresh memory in my head, and I doubt I'll ever be able to forget it.

"Perce? Can you tell me now?" Draco asked me. I quickly closed my eyes and Draco sighed. Draco knew I was pretending but he didn't pursue the matter. "G'night mate." He slowly walked to his bed to sleep.

That night, Tartarus haunted my dreams.


"PERCY! WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE FOR CLASS!!!!" I woke up to Draco yelling in my ear. I jumped up, frantic, and threw on my clothes. Suddenly, Draco started giggling. I looked up, staring questionably at him. He begun to roll on the floor, clutching his stomach.

After 5 long minutes of waiting, Draco finally quietened down. "Done?" I asked him. He nodded and went back to sitting on the chair like nothing ever happened. "Now what's so funny?" I asked, dressed in my Slytherin robes and tie. He grinned, his famous troublemaker smile reaching his eyes. "It's 4am in the morning."

~~~~~~~~~~~~2 HOURS LATER AND A VERY BEATEN UP DRACO~~~~~~~~~~~~

"So that's why I'm here." I concluded as I finally finished telling my story to Draco. He looked angry. "SO ANNABITCH CHEATED ON YOU? SHE'S SUCH...A....A.....BITCH!" He yelled, his cheeks turning red... he looked like a lobster. Internally, I sighed to myself.

Stupid ADHD.

I raise an eyebrow. "Yeah, that pretty much sums it up." I conclude sarcastically. Unfortunately, he didn't catch onto my sarcasm.

He suddenly broke out into a cheeky grin. "That's one thing I'm thankful to her for- 'cause now you're my roomie, and you're stuck with me!" I rolled my eyes. Poor me. Draco Malfoy, Son of Hermes, was the only person on Hogwarts who was the person who could annoy me. He reached out to pat my back and gave me a hug. While he turned to walk out of the common room to go to the Great Hall, I smiled.

"Draco?" He turned around. I held out my hand.

"My wallet and phone, please." He groaned. Draco handed it back to me. Together, we headed off to the great hall.


Timetables were passed out and we had Potions first. (A/N Snape is alive) We had it with the Gryffindors. Hopefully, I won't be partnered with the Zeus freak. Because of all my experiences at Camp, I knew people like him were always up to no good.

-----Potions Class-------

"Its horrible to see all of you miserable brats after the war, especially the 'brave ones' " Snape's cool voice echoed across the dungeon. All the Gryffindors rolled their eyes but the Slytherins smirked and snickered. "Sev?"I asked.

Severus Snape was the son of Hecate... how did even get a teaching job here?

Snape turned around. "Perce!" Snape grinned, and walked over to tousle my hair.

The Gryffindors all wore shocked and bewildered expressions. Had their Potions Master finally lost it? Snape and I fist-bumped and Hermy- No Hermione, the Gryffindor- asked the question everyone except Draco was thinking of.

"How do you know each other?"

Severus curtly replied, "We go to the same Camp. Well, used to," Snape said, catching my eye. Snape had been there during Camp while all those drama took place. "Ten points from Gryffindor for Ms. Granger's imprudence." Snape's lip curled.

"My, start of the year and already losing points."


After Potions, I overheard the Weasel and the Potty along with Hermy-

I mean Ron, Harry and Hermione talking about how horrid Snape is. "No, he's not." Draco said, defending Snape. Harry rolled his eyes. "Get lost, Malfoy." Draco's eyes flashed with anger. "Just because you defeated you-know-who doesn't mean you get to insult teachers."

Harry smirked. "At least I didn't hide behind my daddy's back-oh sorry- I mean mummy's back and side with Voldemort, right?Oh, right. I forget about that. Your dad is in Azkaban." Harry gave a know-it-all smirk. Before I knew it, Draco and I launched ourselves at Harry.

"YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHO MY DAD IS-"I cut Draco off by clamping my hand over his mouth before he could reveal anything about the gods.

I grabbed Harry by the collar of his shirt and slammed him against the wall. "If you insult any of my friends, or anything, don't think I won't crush you to bits. Understand?" I growled. I moved my hand to his throat and tightened. He nodded hastily and I withdrew my hand.

He spluttered for air and breathed heavily. His two goons ran over to check on him. Snape came out of the dungeon to see what was the big commotion. "What's all this fuss about?" he asked.

His eyes drifted over to Harry. Everyone assumed he was going to deduct points from Slytherin but instead he said, "20 points from Gryffindor for fighting in the corridor." He smiled nastily at Harry. "Detention, for you, Mr Potter." He spat the name Potter out like poison.

With a swish of his robes, he went back into the dungeon to prepare for his next lesson. I swore he had winked at us.

I smirked, a devilish grin crossing my face. It was nice to have a teacher on your side, for once.

The next class was Transfiguration and it was boring. I was practically counting down the hours and seconds until the next period. I was the first to complete the spell Professor McGonagall asked us to do and the girl- Hermione, was it? - was glaring at me because it took her a full ten minutes while I only took a split-second to master it.

Some 'complex' spell it was.

Finally, the bell rang and I jumped up, unable to tolerate sitting down and doing nothing. Throughout the whole of Transfiguration, I was swinging my feet and drumming my fingers against the side of my desk. Thank god it was over. It seemed like Draco had the same problem too.

I scanned my timetable. It was Care of Magical Creatures next. Oh well. At least after that, it's lunch!



edited on 9/8/16 (national day rn lol)

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