Chapter 3, Riddles

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"Perseus Idiotic Jackson! Get back here!" Draco yelled, pushing past people to get to Percy. When he finally caught up, he shouted "Give it to me!" Percy stuck out his tongue. Since Percy was taller than him, he had to jump to reach his backpack.

"I'll give it to you if you answer this question; in The Fault In Our Stars, What did Augustus Water suffer from?" Draco looked at Percy like he had gone mad. "What the HECK PERCY?" He yelled, "How the bloody Tartarus am I supposed to know?" 

Percy grinned. "By reading the book."Draco rolled his eyes. "Well, I obviously did not read the book, so give me another question- or better yet, JUST GIVE IT TO ME!" Percy grinned evilly like a lunatic and shook his head. He smirked. "Answer this- 

This thing all things devours:

Birds, beasts, trees, flowers;

Gnaws iron, bites steel;

Grinds hard stones to meal;

Slays king, ruins town,

And beats high mountain down." (Hobbit anyone?)

Draco face-palmed. "Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat?" He asked. "It's from the Hobbit," Percy told him. "Hey, did you know that when you mix a horse and a rabbit you get a Hobbit?" Draco told Percy randomly. 

"Get back to the point," Percy told him, inwardly face-palming.

"Urm... ahhhhhhhhhhh... Trolls?" He asked weakly. "Wrong!" Percy said cheerfully. Draco glared at him. "I don't have enough time to get to class, Perc-WAIT-TIME! THE ANSWER IS TIME!" Percy threw his bag onto the floor and stuck out his tongue. 

"I hate you." Percy said. "Love ya too, uncle!" Percy raised his eyebrows. "Well, technically, you are my uncle, and-"

"Malfoy, would ya care to step into me class?" Hagrid grunted. Draco glared at Hagrid vehemently. "Whatever." Draco said.

Five minutes later, Hagrid explained that the Ministry had found a couple of Pegasus flying around Hogwarts and that us seventh-years would be studying about Pegasus. "Nightshade, come here boy," Hagrid said. Out trotted a black pegasus. Percy smiled, his eyes showing the darkness within. 

"Hey Blackjack."

Author's Note

YAY ANOTHER CHAPTER :) Sorry for it being too short, tho. :(

Remember to




edited on 3.09.16 [I'm currently re-reading this and realising how childish it is. *sigh*]

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