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Voldemort stumbled backwards. "Avada Kedavra!" He roared, a burst of green sparks shooting out from the end of his wand. Percy dodged it and shot a spell at Voldemort. 

"Brachiabindo!(a spell that binds the limbs tightly)" Percy yelled. Voldemort countered it, tossing out-

"Emancipare!" he hissed.

After two minutes of no progress, both ends were getting exhausted. Voldemort had never met such a strong opponent aside from Dumbledore, and Percy Jackson was a force he knew that he had underestimated. 

Finally, Voldemort spotted a chink in Percy's defence. Percy was mostly all attack, leaving Voldemort to defend. If only he could distract Percy for one moment...

Percy shot a conjunctivitus curse (a curse that causes great pain to the victim's eyes) at Voldemort and Voldemort yelled out in agony, temporarily blinded. He knew it was his chance to act now, to seize the opportunity and try his luck to hit Percy...

But before he could act, Percy retaliated first. 


Voldemort's body began to spasm and his body started to jerk and twitch. He screamed a sound so full of agony that it made Percy want to gouge his eyes out. But yet, a strange feel of satisfaction ran through his body. Suddenly a sound of rustling leaves behind Percy made him turn around, his wand drawn readily in front of him. 

It was the teachers. They were all staring, transfixed, at the convulsing sight of Voldemort's body. Professor McGonagall let out a gasp of fear and shock at the sight of the dark lord that had returned. Even though Harry had already confirmed that Voldemort had returned, she denied the truth to herself, unable to believe that the devil himself had truly returned. 

However, despite Voldemort's pain, he managed to yell out a curse. 


The tree behind them exploded, but Percy was already expecting it. 

"Protego!" A shield formed in front of them and the spell was rendered useless, dissipating as soon as it hit the shield. However, amidst the commotion, Voldemort used it as a distraction to escape. 

When the smoke finally cleared, there was only silence.

And then shock began to settle in.


Professor McGonagall sat back in her chair. She drew a shuddering, panicked breath. She couldn't believe that just shortly after a war had ended, the beginning of another had started.

A knock on the door sounded. She lifted her head from her thoughts and spoke. "Come in."

Much to her surprise, it was Percy Jackson that had entered. "Perseus?" she got up from her chair. 

Percy lowered his head. 

"Headmistress, I thank you for your kindness that you have shown to me ever since I arrived and I am forever in debt to you. Hogwarts was my home and it was a place where I felt that I truly belong. However, due to the recent appearance of Voldemort...I fear that my presence here is endangering the students. So, for the sake of this school, for the sake of all the people I love, I seek your consent. I wish to leave." 

Professor McGonagall was not surprised. She knew Percy cared deeply for his peers and she knew that she could not do anything to stop him from leaving. However, she was sad to see such a talented student go. He was as equally talented as Dumbledore, if not more. He would have definitely achieved Order of Merlin, First Class, if he had continued to further his studies. 

"Very well." she sighed. "But Perseus, when the time comes where help is greatly needed, will you be there for the sake of the Wizarding world?" 

Percy smiled. 



Percy made his rounds around the school. Bidding everyone he was acquainted with farewell, exchanging hugs, tears being shed, it was truly a bittersweet moment for him. 

Finally, he reached his own dormitory. Walking into the Slytherin Common Room for the last time, a stench of nostalgia wafted into the room as he remembered his first night here, back when he was still heartbroken over Annabeth. It was months ago, yet it seemed to be just yesterday.

"Don't forget me, bro." He hugged Draco gratefully, and Draco patted him on the back. Their eyes met and unsaid words of gratitude were exchanged. Draco was everything to Percy- a friend, a brother, a father. Draco was always there for him- through his dark and light moments, through thick and thin. They pranked together, they stayed up late talking until they fell asleep, and Draco was everything Percy ever wanted in his life.

"See you in the next world, mate." Draco said, sniffing. Despite the solemnity and melancholy of the situation, Percy couldn't help but crack a grin. "Are you.. are you actually crying?" Percy coughed, trying to hide his laughter. Draco punched Percy in the arm. "Shut up, Perce. Let me delve in the sadness of my own world."

After he had said all his farewells, he turned and a sad mask began to slip onto his face. The moment that he had been dreading had finally came- the time for him to leave.

As he passed by various locations, he reminisced the familiar and warm environment. He recalled the bustling courtyard, the trips to Hogsmeade, the lessons he had secretly passing notes, Snape's potions classes, the delicious food, the general friendliness and positivity of the students...

He was going to miss it all. It was home.

Just as he turned away, a voice caught his attention. 


A breathless voice from behind him escaped the mouth of a tired Harry Potter. Waiting for Harry Potter to catch up with him, Percy slowed his pace. 

When Harry finally caught up, Percy had already reached the front door of the Great Hall. "What, Potter?" Percy muttered. "Finally glad to see me go?" 

Harry looked taken aback. "No, as a matter of fact. I just..I just want to apologize for everything I've done to you. It doesn't seem fair that you have to leave before we graduate, and I...I'm going to miss you in some twisted way. I don't have a rival anymore. Draco was fairly compatible, but you matched up to my awesomeness." 

Percy rolled his eyes internally at Harry's last words. Everyone knew that Percy was way more awesome.

Yet, he felt rather settled after Harry had sought him out. He could finally leave Hogwarts in a peace of mind.

Harry stuck out his hands. 

"So...friends, Jackson?" he asked. 

Percy shrugged. "Why not?" He took his hand, and they shook on it.

"Goodbye.. Harry."

With that, Percy walked out of Hogwarts, leaving a staring Harry Potter behind.

Little did they know that it would be centuries later before their paths would one day cross again.

So...Dreaming Alone has finally ended after two years. I've gone through numerous writer's blocks, endured the occasional hate comments, read all the supportive feedback, and most of all, struggled with innumerable times when i felt like giving up on this story.

For one last time, thank you. Thanks to the votes, comments, and feedback given, Dreaming Alone finally has a conclusion and I can finally mark it as my first ever completed story. 

Please comment to tell me how Dreaming Alone has been :)

29 May, 2017.

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