Chapter 11, Return of Thalia Grace

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//Have you ever looked into the mirror and found the problem staring back at you?//

Thalia Grace was pissed off, to say in the least. 

She'd been sitting by the lake for an hour already, and she swore there was something huge in the lake, possibly a monster, swimming around just waiting to attack her. Where the hell was Percy? He should have already felt her presence, being a Daughter of Zeus. Her aura was too strong for Percy to not notice. 

She didn't expect much, though. Maybe he did feel her presence, but he just chose to ignore it. Maybe his senses waned from last time. Maybe he didn't want to see her. 

She threw a pebble across the surface water, and it skimmed, before sinking. She sighed. She acted too rashly, assuming that Percy was the one that vandalized Artemis's cabin when the hunters and her were visiting, without getting the facts straight first. Imagine her disgust and anger with herself when she found out it was Richard who did it- then remorse flooded her being and her rage with Percy ebbed away. 

She found herself fidgeting. No doubt due to her ADHD. Unable to continue waiting, she stood up and brushed the imaginary dust off her black ripped jeans. Turning around, she came face to face with a boy about her height, with a lightning scar running down his forehead. He had a stick pointed at her, which Thalia found rather amusing. What was he going to do with it- poke her to death? She let a smirk make way onto her face at the thought of that. 

"I'll help you wipe that smirk of your face, Muggle," He growled at her, and shot a blast of red sparks at her from his stick. Darkness swarmed over the world and the world spun...


Thalia woke up to a white ceiling. Rubbing her eyes, she sat up with a groan. She saw water on the table by her bedside and reached for it, sipping the cool liquid.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" She spat her water out when she heard a voice from beside her bed. She hadn't noticed him sitting in the chair by her bedside, and it startled her. 

"Look, I didn't mean to accuse you of vandalizing Artemis's Cabin. It was a moment of injustice and I regret it." Thalia said, yet her tone seemed to convey that she wasn't really sorry altogether. Thalia wasn't really one for apologies.

The boy sitting by her beside raised his crazed eyes up to meet hers, and a shock passed through Thalia. He seemed insane, as though he had lost the will to live altogether. Was this what I had done? She asked herself. 

"That isn't all the reason for it, Thalia. You guys threw me aside like shit. Did I ever mean a single thing to the Gods, other than being a pawn in the Gods' and Fates' game? Well, I'm sick of playing. I finally get why Luke joined Kronos. I should never have helped the world be saved from the Titan War. Because, now, I see, that if the Titans are terrible rulers as everyone says they are, the Gods aren't much better themselves." Percy spat out, his eyes a fiery gold. 

"But Percy, I need to tell you something besides that. Camp Half-Blood-" Thalia was cut off. 

"I don't know Camp Half-Blood anymore. I've no loyalty with them."

With that, he stormed out of the Hospital Wing, leaving behind the Huntress with a broken look in her eyes.

Because the man she tried so hard to save broke her heart, deep down inside.

Hey everyone. I'm sure ya'll hate me for not updating in so long and with this suckish chapter!! Anyways guys thanks for all the 7.4K reads!! OMG I LUV YOU GUYS 

So anyways the majority of the ships voted are: Percy & Hermione, Draco & Harry, Draco & Hermione, Percy & Nico, Lone Percy, and lastly, Draco & Percy. Please re-vote and we'll narrow it down from there.

Check out my Percy Jackson Betrayal book Begin Again!! Yeah it's about just as shitty as Decode but I guess the only thing that sets it apart is that it has a different type of story plot?? Idk. 

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