Chapter 10, Haunted or Hunted?

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Author's Note at the bottom, please read. :))))))

"This fighting tells me that it's not worth it."

-Smile Empty Soul

First, it was the signs. Harry clearly suspected Percy of being a death eater, but Ron was doubtful. Sure, he hated Percy for stealing Hermione away from him, but going so far as to invade his personal space was too extreme for Ron.

Ron wasn't too happy about having to sneak into the Slytherin Common Room. The last time he was here, it was Draco making fun of his father. Those weren't too fond memories. The difficult part was to get into the Slytherin Common Room. They needed the password, and Ron doubted, as stupid as the Slytherins were, no Slytherin would willingly give it to the Gryffindors. Both Harry and Ron had the invisibility cloak draped over them, but it was getting a bit too short to cover the both of them. 

In the end, they only managed to get in by sneaking in quickly after a Year Four walked in, strolling as though he had all the time in the world. The first sight they were greeted with was Percy and Draco sitting in a desolated Common Room, Draco reading a book with much disdain and difficulty while Percy read a letter in deep thought. Although he was right there, he seemed to be miles away.

Ron suggested to Harry that they just go ahead and grab the letter, but Harry rolled his eyes and with a voice dripping with sarcasm, he hissed, "It sure would not be creepy that a letter is snatched out of your hands, floating in the air all the way back to the Gryffindor Common Room. I mean, why not?"

Harry shook his head and crept stealthily over to a corner of the room, close to Percy, or rather, too close. Percy whipped around for a second as though he felt something and both Harry and Ron tensed up for a while, prepared to run for it if they needed to.

After a few seconds of scanning around the room with mad, slightly insane eyes, Percy shook his head and resumed staring at the letter. They relaxed.

Finally, Draco gave up trying to read and took it upon himself to find out what Percy was so engrossed in. Trying to snatch the letter from Percy, Harry tensed up. What if it was torn apart? Then they would never be able to find out what he was reading!

 Luckily, Percy had shoved Draco away and he began panicking, remembering that they had to go for a swim with Luna and Hermione.

Saying Hermione's name was an aching sensation for Ron to say. She was part of their group, part of his life, part of him. How could she just walk out on them, walk out on him? Shaken from his thoughts as Harry lunged forward, Ron's face was etched in horror. The bloody letter was burning! Was Harry that desperate to get to the bottom of Percy's life that he was willing to risk getting discovered, getting burnt? 

It turned out, Harry was. 

As he snatched it from the coals and cinders, Ron couldn't help but wince. Harry's hands would definitely get burnt, and it definitely wouldn't be a pretty sight.

As they heard Percy and Draco crashing down the stairs, they made a beeline for the exit, the invisibility cloak nearly slipping off them, but they managed to hold off until they climbed out of the portrait hole. 

Just to their luck, Snape was passing by and with a curling lip, he asked them in a snide voice what they were doing. Both unable to answer, Snape gave them detention and deducted twenty points from Gryffindor. It was a hard loss, and Ron hoped that it would be worth it when they found out what that letter was about. 


Percy gazed out of the window, oblivious to all his surroundings. He had decided to re-think about the letter earlier on. Swimming in the lake had cleared his thoughts and rejuvenate him. 

Percy was bothered and suffocated under his racing thoughts. Overall, he was just plain tired.

Why had she sent it? She had made it perfectly clear that she didn't want anything to do with her during their last encounter.

Percy had to admit, he missed her, he missed her sarcasm, he missed her name calling. But the memory of her that he had was just a memory in the past, remembered once but forgotten the next, a memory in the rushing wind of recollections.

It just didn't add up why she sent that letter. She was capable of her own things, and she was one of the last people to seek help. And where did she know where to send the letter to him...? Then it struck him. Of course Annabeth had told her of where he resided at during Draco's and his previous battle with her.

Sometimes Percy wondered what his life would have been like had he not found out that he was a demigod. Would he be leading a normal life, with a perfectly normal girlfriend? Perhaps all that pain could be avoided.

Focus, Percy, he scolded himself. 

 Suddenly, Percy felt a stinging, sharp pain pass through him and he doubled over. 

A coal burning flashed across his mind in an instant, but it was gone before Percy could fully comprehend what he had visioned. Did it have to do with them? Was he going insane? What was wrong with him?

Percy stood up from the armchair. That was more than enough thinking for one day. How the Ravenclaws did it, he didn't want to know.

As Percy walked away, he failed to notice a slightly illuminated, glowing figure sitting by the lake. If only he had bothered to look out of the window, just one glance, one look, he would have seen her.

With her biker boots and spiky hair, Thalia Grace was back. 

Hey everyone!! Heh heh early update!! :))))) So yeah the only reason I updated was because it's my friend's birthday 1-800-YOONGI!!! So anyways please follow her and I'll really appreciate it!!

Thanks for all the comments, votes and reads everyone!! Best readers ever!! <3<3<3 


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