Chapter 13, Chasing Ghosts

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Percy looked up from his Transfiguration textbook, only to meet Harry's green emerald eyes and Ron's blue ones. He was sitting by the lake, occasionally glancing up from his textbook to stare at the tranquil and clean water of the lake. How Percy wished he could be this composed. 

"Yes?" Percy asked them tiredly. He was tired lately- that was unusual. It looked as though all life had been sucked out of him and the light seemed to die in his eyes each time he smiled, as though he knew the happiness he currently possessed would never be enough.

"What's the meaning of this letter?" Harry asked boldly, thrusting the slightly-burnt letter in Percy's direction. Percy barely glanced at it but inside he was shaken. "It's nothing. How did you get it?" Percy asked them, carefully choosing his words. 

Harry and Ron exchanged nervous glances. "We-um-well-" Ron garbled, stumbling over his words. "Nevermind," Harry covered up hastily. "But we want to know what Athena is. What is Camp Half-Blood? What is a Zeus?" Harry asked.

Percy hid a smile. "First, your English needs improvement. Athena is a person, so you do not use 'what' to ask about Athena. She is a 'who'. Likewise, Zeus is a person and you do not use 'what'. You use 'who'. And your last sentence is technically invalid. It's not-" Percy started to lecture the duo, but shortly got interrupted by Ron. 

"Blimey, mate. You spend too much time around Hermione! Why don't you just join Ravenclaw?" Ron complained, covering his ears. Percy smiled, but the smile didn't even reach his eyes. 

Harry, however, on the other hand, narrowed his eyes at Percy. "So who is Athena and Zeus?" Harry asked, annoyed. Percy rolled his eyes. "Harry, it's who are Athena and Zeus." Percy retorted back, and Ron let a smirk crawl onto his face. It wasn't everyday that someone dissed the great Harry Potter. 

 Harry flushed a beetroot-red, before snapping at Percy. "So who are they?" 

Percy shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. "Beat's me. Why do you ask me? I'm not in Ravenclaw." 

"But the sorting hat nearly put you there." Ron reminded Percy. Harry looked surprised that Ron managed to make a comeback fast enough. It even was a good one.

"Yeah, but I wasn't sorted into Ravenclaw in the end, was I? The outcome is all that matters." Percy rolled his eyes, as though the trivial conversation he shared with them was an annoying insect buzzing around him.

"But how do you know Athena and Zeus are people?" Ron pressed, his eyes gleaming eagerly for information. For a moment, Percy was taken aback. "No-none of your business." He replied smoothly, regaining his composure after an awkward split-second. He had almost spilled the beans. Percy reminded himself to be more careful.

"Fine. But this conversation is not over." Harry said with a sneer before sauntering away. "It was over a long time ago, Harry. I was done with you a long time ago." Percy called after him. Harry paused for a moment, stunned, before his mouth formed into an 'O' shape and he stormed away like the drama queen he was. 

Ron shot Percy an apologetic look. 

Hmm, turns out Harry is more like Zeus than ever, Percy mused to himself. And maybe Ron isn't that bad after all. 


An Olympian Council was currently being held on Mount Olympus. It was a grand event- if not for the fact that the atmosphere was so tense and heavy. 

"I'm sure we are all aware that the Titans, Giants and even Gaea are rising again. We do not know the cause of this, but we know we definitely cannot win this time without..." Zeus trailed off hesitantly, knowing that it was partially his fault that Percy would no longer be on their side. But he refused to say it out loud. 

"Father, if I may intervene, I wish to say something." Athena declared. Poseidon rolled his eyes. "Of course you do. You always do." He muttered under his breath. Athena wisely chose to ignore it. 

"I have located where Perseus  is currently at-" she was cut off by Ares. "Great! What are you waiting for? Let's go down to Earth and pummel that little jackass!" He cried happily, but sunk back into his throne when Zeus glared sharply at him. "Continue, Athena." Zeus gestured for her to resume.

"Well, he is residing at a place commonly known among wizards as Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I myself have personally talked to him, but..." Athena faltered slightly. "But I fear that he may have lost touch with reality. He seemed slightly unstable and insane, and he seemed to be..cold. Unlike his usual self. I fear..." She trailed off.

"You fear...?" Zeus questioned as all the other Gods leaned forward in anticipation. "I fear that Perseus has gone over to the Dark Side. Not intentionally, no," she covered up hastily at the look of outrage on all the Gods' face, "but ever since we decided to cast him off, he has been overtaken by rage and fury, turning his judgement one-hundred-and-eighty degrees." Athena paused momentarily, catching her breath. 

"I'm sure we all are aware of Perseus's extraordinary power. That is the reason why were cast him away, is it not?" She asked the Gods. They chose to remain silent for it was the truth- they were afraid of Percy being out of control and eventually betraying them. 

"I think that Perseus has unconsciously gone over to the Dark Side, and his extraordinary power followed him. This caused a tip in the balance of Good and Evil, because Perseus played a big part in Good. The scale tipped, the balance was disrupted, and-" Athena was cut off by the haunted look on Zeus's face. 

"And that caused the rise of Evil again." He whispered, his eyes plagued by nightmares and fear. 

Silence ensued around the Throne Room, all the Gods aware that this last battle would probably be their final stand.


So anyways this chapter is dedicated to DemigodInTraining for being such a supportive fan of Dreaming Alone and please follow her!! She really deserves it <3 <3 [Lol all the chapters are dedicated to her anyways so yeah]

This chapter is also dedicated to leyzure for being an amazayn friend and I'M STILL PISSED AT YOU BECAUSE YOU NEVER UPDATE THE BREAKUP *cue pout*

Anyways, this chapter is also dedicated to the rest of you out there! Dreaming Alone won't be where it is now if it wasn't for you.

First five commenters and voters of this chapter will get a shout out the next chapter!! :))

Thanks for the support!! ILY <3 <3 <3 


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