Oikawa's Gf

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You left the bathroom, and went back to your class, after cleaning up. You don't usually cry, but the news of Oikawa dating someone else hurt you a bit. You wondered if Oikawa had just been trying to use you, which he wasn't. You thought he decided to find someone else since he failed to get you.

"Well, look who we have here, girls." You knew that voice, one that belonged to a bitch.

You looked up, and like you expected, you saw Miyamura Yumi. "It's been a while, Miyamura."

She smirked. "Too long, I'd say. Oh, but don't worry. I'm not gonna bully you anymore. I've found out which one of us Oikawa loves, and it's not you."

Your eyes widened. "What?"

"Oh? You haven't heard? I'm Oikawa's girlfriend now."

"Good for you. Keep him entertained. I'm going to class. Oh, and if you want to spend more time with him, become the team's manager. I'm quitting." You walked away, hearing the girls giggle and cheer behind you.

You weakly sat in your seat, and waited for the day to end. Once it did, you sent a quick text to coach Irihata.

You: I'm quitting as manager, I'm too busy with school work and other things. I'm sorry

Coach: I understand. The principal wanted me to tell you that your punishment is over, since Oikawa's knee got better. He said it's ok to drop this as a punishment. Thank for helping while you did

You put your phone in your jacket pocket and walked home, collapsing onto your bed. You cried the moment you set foot in your room.

When practice began, Oikawa was unhappy to find that you weren't there. You hadn't shown up, nor did you bother to say anything to anyone.

Coach Irihata gathered the team together. "As you all may have noticed, L/n isn't here. I can explain that. She quit."

Oikawa's heart dropped. "What? She quit?"

"Yes. She said she was too busy and couldn't juggle this with the rest of her life anymore. I told her she was free to go." The coach walked away, signaling for the boys to go back to practice.

Oikawa couldn't focus. "Why would Y/n-chan quit and not tell anyone?" He finally asked when all og the boys were in the changing room.

"Maybe it's your fault, Oikawa-san." Kunimi had said.

"Or your girlfriend's fault." Iwaizumi suggested.

That caused Oikawa to worry. Miyamura Yumi has already messed with you twice while Oikawa's back was turned. Even though they're dating now, who's to say she wouldn't mess with you again.

"Please be alright, Y/n-chan." Oikawa murmured under his breath.


Kageyama walked into your room. "You're back early. Where's dinner?"

You looked up at him. "Doesn't exist. Go buy something for yourself."

"Did you eat already?" He looked at you, concerned.

You didn't answer him. You didn't want to tell him that you quit being a manager, and had been crying ever since you got home. He wouldn't be happy about that.

He sighed. "I'll order you something, too." He was about to leave, but stopped. "What happened today?"

You let out a sigh. "A lot."

Kageyama walked over, and sat next to you on your bed. "Tell me."

"Can you promise not to get mad at all?"

He raised a brow. "That's never a good sign. What happened?"

"So, when Shoyo was here, he kissed me right before he left. I called Kunimi right after, but he had all the other guys from the team at his house, and I was put on speaker without realizing. The whole team knows that Shoyo and I kissed. Then, at school, Oikawa was acting cold and distant. When I tried talking to him, all the team members would distract me and prevent me from speaking with him. Then, Shoyo met me that night, and I told him that I don't like him as anything other than a friend. The next day, I told Oikawa what happened, but he was upset and had yelled at me. He calmed down when I started crying, and he comforted me. Then he - he kissed me, and left. All this happened many days ago. Today, I found out that Oikawa got a girlfriend, who happens to be the bitch that has been picking on me because she's an Oikawa fan girl. I quit being the manager, and came home cuz I don't know what to do."

"That - that's a lot to take in, Y/n. I promise not to get mad. I'll calmly talk that kissing part over with Hinata tomorrow, or tonight over text. Why would you quit if Oikawa's got a girlfriend? Or is it because of who his girlfriend is?"

"Yes." You deadpanned.

Kageyama was confused. "Wait, that doesn't answer-"

"It hurts, Tobio. I don't know how to explain it. It kind of feels like Oikawa had only been trying to use me, like that kiss meant nothing. Tobio, my heart hurts." You burst out into tears again, leaning against your cousin's shoulder.

"Y/n, do you maybe like Oikawa now?"

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