Do You? Do I? I Do

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"Y/n, do you maybe like Oikawa now?"

Kageyama's words ran through your head all night. At the time he asked, all you could respond with was "I don't know."

Now you were thinking about it harder than you probably should. Do you like Oikawa? Why would you? But, maybe you do?

You groaned, slamming your head into your pillow. You let out a yell of frustration, which as fortunately muffled by the pillow. If Kageyama had heard you yell, he'd burst into your room and try to figure out what was wrong. He'd find out why the fuck you're yelling.

There was only one problem, and he knew about it: Oikawa Toru. Yes, the very man that's tormented since you two met. The boy that caused you great amounts of pain, only giving you more problems than what you were willing to deal with.

Maybe your feelings towards him changed. Originally, you did hate him, but after seeing those different sides of him, your hatred practically disappeared.

Maybe you do like Oikawa Toru now.

That thought alone made you feel even more frustrated. You felt like you've fallen for him, just like he wanted. Now he's got a girlfriend, and liking him is not going to help you at all. You groaned and rolled over, shifting your attention over to your nightstand.

'Fuck it.' You grabbed your phone, and decided to go for a group call with the guys on the team, all except Oikawa.

"What up, girly?" Kunimi asked the moment he picked up the call.

"WHY DID YOU QUIT ON US?!" Iwaizumi yelled at you through the phone.

You flinched, knowing they wouldn't be able to see. "Because."

"Because why?" Yahaba spoke softly, with an obviously tired tone in his voice.

Iwaizumi snorted. "That's not a valid reason, and you know it, Y/n."

"I know, I know." You groaned. "Shit happened."

"Ooo! Tea!" Hanamaki chirped.

Matsukawa joined in. "Spill the tea, sis."

You cringed. "Never say that again, Mattsun. And," You groaned again, throwing one of your pillows across your bedroom. "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ME?!"

Kunimi snorted. "Don't ask us."

Kageyama burst into the room. "WHAT THE FUCK?! WHAT'S WRONG?!"

You looked at him. "I DON'T KNOW?!"

"STOP YELLING!" Iwaizumi's voice came from your phone, making you and Kageyama flinch. "YOU TWO ARE LITERALLY IN THE SAME HOUSE, IN THE SAME ROOM! YOU DON'T NEED TO YELL!"

"Sorry." You and Kageyama muttered at the same time. Your cousin walked over, and sat next to you on your bed.

"So, uh, Y/n? Why did you yell? And why are you on a call with the volleyball team from Seijoh?" He asked.

You sighed. "I can't sleep."

"You didn't seriously just call this entire team because you can't sleep. What's wrong?" Kunimi's voice sounded from the phone.

You brought your phone closer. "You're right, that's not the reason. Also, it's not the entire team."

Hanamaki checked immediately, and was the first to realize who wasn't there. "Yo, you left out Oikawa?"


"May we ask why?" Yahaba sounded slightly concerned.

You groaned. "His girlfriend pisses me off. She's a bitch, the very bitch that hurt me twice since I got to high school. Then she decides to rub it in my face that she's dating Oikawa, and still tries acting like a bitch! OIKAWA DIDN'T EVEN SAY ANYTHING TO ME HIMSELF! THAT ASSHOLE!"

"Calm down." Iwaizumi instructed.

Kindaichi was the one to ask a question you dreaded hearing. "Why does that matter, Y/n?"

You got choked up, not really wanting to say what you think the problem is. "I - I think I may have realized something important too late."

"You like him now, don't you?" Kunimi was being blunt about it.

"I don't know. Maybe? I seriously thought I still hated him, but it didn't make sense when I felt hurt that he'd get a girlfriend. It's even worse that it's that bitch Miyamura!" You sighed, leaning on Kageyama's shoulder, feeling tears building up again.

Iwaizumi sighed. "You really did realize it too late, dumbass."


You nearly screamed. "Because I'm a salty bitch that did the stupidest thing because of a few bad things Oikawa's done since I first met him." You groaned loudly. "Fuck! I can't believe I was seriously trying to hold that shit against him!"

Then a thought struck you. "WHY DID HE EVEN KISS ME?!" Your phone ended up in Kageyama's lap as you slammed your head back into your pillow, screaming into it.

Kageyama rubbed your back. "There, there. Let it all out, you dumbass." His gentle tone of voice didn't fit when he called you a dumbass.

You tightly gripped you pillow, and let the tears to flow. You screamed louder, trying to physically get out all of your frustration. It kind of helped you... just a little.

"Is she good?" Kindaichi's concerned voice rang through your room.

Kageyama answered him. "She just needs to get all her anger and frustration out. Screaming and crying into a pillow seems to be helping a bit."

"So, anger issues runs in the family?" Kunimi joked.

Kageyama huffed. "Shut up."

You sat up, calmed down slightly. "I hate my life."

"Deep breaths." Iwaizumi instructed. "Now that you've realized you like Shittykawa, what are you going to do?"

"Die." You deadpanned.


You sighed. "Imma run away."

Iwaizumi sighed, getting tired of this shit. "STOP TRYING TO RUN FROM YOUR PROBLEMS! TELL SHITTYKAWA HOW YOU FEEL!"

"I can't! He has a girlfriend, and that bitch will try to kill me!"

"He can always dump that bitch." Kunimi suggested.

That caused you to groan. "If he dumps her for me, then she'll make my life hell! If it as anyone other than Miyamura, I wouldn't be as concerned. But no, he just had to start dating fucking Miyamura. They are CURRENTLY DATING AND THAT BITCH STILL WANTS TO THROW HANDS!"

Hanamaki chuckled. "Then catch those hands and throw her off the roof!"

You laughed. "You and Mattsun will be my accomplices, then."

"Me too. I wanna join." Kunimi just wanted to be included for murder. What a precious baby.

Iwaizumi spoke again. "Now, fully answer the question, Y/n. Do you like Oikawa?"

'Do I?' You took a deep breath, pausing before speaking. "I do."

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