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you know those times where you just cant be fucked? yeah thats me right now i dont even know what i was talking about this chapter i just couldnt be bothered, so if it makes no freaking sense my apologies but i just cant be bothered. oh well

ill be re editing it later, maybe next week coz i got a lot of crap going on right now


I sat in the chair with my arms crossed and a pout on my lips. So what I still have a teddy?! Big whoop! It’s a big deal to me that Evan took it from me, it’s my teddy not his! Where is it anyway, he never gave it back.

“Wait so let me get this right” Sebastian managed through fits of laughter.

Not long ago I had admitted why I was upset with Evan and the reason I smashed his phone. Thinking he’d be grown up about it, never had I been so wrong. He laughed. His ass off. Everyone in the entire mall I guarantee probably heard him. He had stood there for a good five minutes laughing then another five minutes falling to the floor to clutch his stomach as his laughter only intensified.

Currently I had enough of Sebastian’s laughter; we both sat at a table so he could regain his composure and I could sit here and wait because my legs were getting sore.

“He took your teddy and you took his phone then smashed it?”

“It’s a long story but to put is simply he took penguino when I fell asleep on the couch and then I took his phone and we got into a big fight resulting in me smashing the phone”

“So the laptop is another story I’m guessing”

“It broke while I was looking for his phone”

“Not even going to ask” he coughed his hand coming up to his mouth to cover up his laugh. I pouted, slouching in my chair even more.

“You two are an odd pair”

“Were not a pair”

“Never said you were”

I gave him a confused look, didn’t he just say were an odd pair?

“Don’t give me that look, the wind will change and that face of yours would be stuck”

“I’ll do what I want” I huffed and stood up, walking in the general direction of I don’t know.

“So have you taken them in for repair?”

I nodded not giving him the satisfaction of answering with my voice.

Everything was silent for a while as we both continued walking around the mall not bothering to look at the stores.

My mind wondered back to last night and how everything happened. Evan had made me scared, that’s for sure but the way he held me was an unknown emotion to me, I felt safe in his arms, almost as if everything from my childhood had disappeared, as if our rivalry never existed. I felt a sense of security in Evan’s arms and that thought of feeling like he could protect me I guess kind of scared me, he was my step brother for gosh sakes, my evil monstrous step brother, but he was so caring last night....

I shut my eyes tightly, I’m over thinking, it was a once off anyway, he was probably being nice because he felt sorry for me.

I felt something poke my shoulder before grabbing me and spinning me around. I stared up at Sebastian


“Are you upset with me?”

I shook my head, I was upset with Sebastian but that’s the way he is, he likes annoying people, that’s the way he is. Where as Evan was a different story, at school he would act like the perfect student, the perfect child but at home and towards me he was a complete ass. He always has been rude to me, ever since my adoptive mom showed me her boyfriend’s son, Evan.

Evan and Sebastian were to opposites when it came to me, I mean they were both smart, popular, into sport and had girls clinging to them but when it came to me, Evan was an ass on purpose and Sebastian wasn’t, he would never mean to make me upset.

“Then what’s wrong?” he pulled me into his chest, wrapping his warm arms around me.

I didn’t answer, I didn’t even l know what was wrong myself.

“What happened with Evan? Has he taken it too far?”


Has Evan taken it too far? I wouldn’t be able to know myself.

Me and Evan were always fighting it was standard. But last night was different, what had he been doing in my room anyway? And why had he been so different. I mean I always use to cry, I always use to remember my past, scream in my sleep and meltdown out of nowhere and Evan would just laugh and pick on me about it even if he had caused me to become upset, but last night was different, Evan didn’t pick on me, he didn’t laugh or tell me to grow up, he was the opposite, he held me in his chest and rocked me to sleep, he apologized and kept mumbling he didn’t mean it until I feel into a slumber. Last night was something that took me by surprise and the feelings it bought were something I’ve never felt before, I dint even know what I was feeling right now.

“Your eyes tell me different. What happened?”

“Nothing” I pushed away from Sebastian’s chest.

“Stop hugging me, you stink”

“I smell wonderful thank you very much” he tilted his head up doing his proud look.

I smiled at him; he can be such a dork at times.

He looked at me his eyes squinting as if he was trying to figure something out.

“Seriously what’s wrong? You’re thinking about something and you seem stuck, tell me”

“Nothing let me think about it and sort it out myself”

A sad look came on Sebastian’s face as he stared at me with sympathy.

“Whatever has happened seems to have bought back some memories”, he pulled me towards him grabbing both my hands and stared me in the eyes with a serious look, “promise me that everything that has happened will not happen again? Talk to me ok? I’m always going to be here for you, I always have been since we met, and you know I will always listen to you, so please if you need to talk and get something off your chest just know I’m always here”  

I smiled at Sebastian, trust him to over dramatize things. “It’s nothing serious I promise. I’m just a little confused, that’s all”

He nodded, puling me along as we began walking again.

“Let’s go get Evan’s phone and computer”.


its my bday tomorrow so please everyone vote!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha :) it doesnt deserve any votes coz its crap but still please vote.



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