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My body felt heavy. My arms felt like weighed a ton as they swung freely as if my body had been draped over something and my upper body was dangling down, minutes before a rush of blood comes to my head. I stirred slightly before raising one hand to rub my eyes but something felt strange, I couldn’t feel the light hit my eye lids, I couldn’t feel warmth that my clothes provided. Instead I felt itchy, material was covering the whole of my body and it burned with every move I made.

“Boss I think she’s awake” an unfamiliar voice rang without uncertainty.

Breathing slowly I calmed my heart rate down and forced myself not to panic. If I was my father’s daughter then the things he taught me weren’t for no reason at all.

Their steps that echoed came to a halt and something I could not see wrapped around my wrist in search of a pulse.

“Her hearth rate is too low for her to be conscious… keep walking were almost there”

“Right, sorry boss”

Their footsteps sounded once again, “what are we going to do with them, boss?”

“Well he didn’t talk, but he sure as hell will now”

“what do you mean boss?”

“do you have to be so dumb?”

“I asked a question, not for your opinion”

“don’t push your luck Jackson”

“don’t try me Malik”

My heart stopped, Malik, the detective? What exactly was going on?


I woke with a start in my bed, the sound of Evan and Sebastian whisper yelling filled my ears.

“I thought we made it clear, which means you are to back the hell off.”

“You’re taking forever; I told you I couldn’t anymore, what if the roles were reversed? Huh? How would you feel? You need to see this from my point of view”

“What are you talking about? The roles are reversed, I’m meant to be where you are“

“Well, how does it feel? “

“It hurts, it hurts knowing that my best mate is taking what I wanted first, away”

“Look I’m sorry I-“

“I don’t want to hear it”

“Evan I-“

“I fu-“something smashing cut the voice off” -ing hate you”

“oh come on, you can’t hate me, you love me,” I could imagine the smirk on Sebastian’s face like all the other times Evan had told him he hated Sebastian but something about this time seemed a little more serious.

“Like hell I would love you”

“Then who is it you love?”

“A-” something once again smashed cutting off Evan but I was to uninterested to give a damn about who loves, for all I knew it could be his anus.

I couldn’t help but giggle at that, Evan in love with his anus? Hah!

“i had that coming” I had to smack my chest to block out the dirty thought, no Ashley, that’s just utterly, a shiver ran up my spine at the thought.

“Oh yeah tell me, did you see this one coming?”

Their voices came to an abrupt stop and the sound of scuffling could be heard before their grunts and foul words sounded from outside my room.

Rolling my eyes I sluggishly pulled myself out of the bed, more than familiar with Evan and Sebastian’s fighting. I mean that’s how they first became best friend right?

I threw my oversized jumper on and opened my bedroom door only to have it shut back in my face by Evan and Sebastian rolling past my bedroom door throwing punches. I rolled my eyes and preceded a second try at opening the door only to have it once again slammed in my face because Sebastian threw Evan at the door as if he was hulk throwing a car.

Getting frustrated I let out an exasperated sigh and yanked the door open, gaining no attention from the two idiots and unbelievably the door didn’t slam shut in my face again, but instead Evan sat on Sebastian’s torso throwing his fists wildly at him whilst Sebastian swore and blocked his punches.

I gritted my teeth at the two bullocks and yelled at them,” hey! Do you think you could like shut up?” but still neither of them paid any attention.

Glaring at the two who had now switched at some point, Evan now underneath Sebastian as he sat on him with a victory grin and his fists balled up as he let them fly at Evan.

With my patience already out the door I stomped over to Sebastian and kicked him right in the gut but being the stupid teenager I was I forgot that messing with two over dramatic and violent teenage boys was the last thing I should do.

Not bothering to look at me Sebastian uncaringly swung his arm at whatever hit him, me, but of course like he even bothered to care, sent me flying off my feet and falling backwards. All knowing my bad luck I just had to fall backwards onto the glass coffee table that broke under my weight and sent the shattering glass piercing into my upper right arm.

I let a shrill scream pass my lips but not caring neither of them bothered to pay any attention to me. Shocked I looked down at my arm with wide eyes, unable to do anything but stare at my bleeding arm with a jaw dropped to the floor in astonishment.

In some way I was fascinated but yet at the same time I was scared of the fact I had blood running down my arm. I cocked my head to the side watching slowly as the blood seeped down my arm and down to my hand. The last time I had seen blood come from my body this often was years ago when my father was still alive.

The sound of glass smashing made my eyes tear away from my bleeding arm. Sebastian stood in front of Evan with a menacingly look which I’m sure Evan returned judging by the way he stood in front of Sebastian with his back to me.

In Sebastian’s hand was a broken vase and on Evan’s face was blood and small shards of glass. A small gasp left my lips and they both turned to look at me with wide eyes.

Sebastian instantly dropped the vase and Evan stood there like a dear caught in headlights and a mouth big enough to swallow an elephant, whole.

Before either of us could say anything the sound of a car pulling up to the driveway sounded. Evan and Sebastian being fast and athletic were a lot quicker to act then what I was and in an instant they had shoved me down onto the broken glass and placed the broken vase that Sebastian had broken into my hand before both of them had disappeared.

Still speechless and unaware as to what exactly happened I stayed in the same position hey had put me in until my mother and father came rushing up the stairs, staring at me with the same eyes Sebastian and Evan had.

 “Umm hi mom?”



yeah i kmow this is really short and im really sorry its been a quater of a year since i last updated, i sorta actually forgot about my account and my stories.... ummm oops? but yeah if youre reading this then please be aware i am an idiot and will continue speaking crap because my head is sorta blank at the moment...

how does a new story sound? i feel like writing something about demons and angels and supernatural crap. yep good idea i shall do that and then forget about it once i upload it. 

ok im gonna shut up..

hahaha but rest assure my over dramatic writing full of crap is once again back. wow im such a dork :) but you love me?.... no ok :(

step brother, I hate youWhere stories live. Discover now