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oh my gosh the things i do for this story. i stayed up until four coz i couldnt stop writing and then i tried uploading it but it wouldnt work so i got angry and shoved my laptop off the bed which resutled in me falling off to coz the power cord was prapped around my head, dont ask why, and so i fell off the bed ended up falling asleep on the floor too. so then when i woke up i emailed this to my old computer which chrashes whenever it feels like it and it wouldnt upload there either and now the screen needs to be repaired so i got my school laptop which also wouldnt upload my story now im on my phone which hopefully uploads this if not, i think its a sign telling me how terrible i am at writing and that i should just quit :(


I yawned and arched my back, my hands rising above my head to help me stretch. My eyes slowly cracked open as I cuddled closer to the source of warmth, letting my eyes close and my sleep once again over power my consciousness, it had been ages since I’ve had such a peaceful sleep.

A groan bought me out of my sleepy state and I shot up staring at Evan who looked down at me, wiping his tired eyes with gently crunched fists. He smiled softly at me through his sleepy state before his movements stopped abruptly and he sat up,” before you say or do anything” he spoke in a sleepy voice which sounded cute but the look he gave me was serious as if it was telling me I better not move or else,” just hear me out.”

He waited a few pauses before finally picking up the fact that I had actually agreed to listen and sit still. His shoulders relaxed and hunched forward and his hands went up to his face running through his messy hair as if to tame it and his eyes looked as if he had just done the most tiring job ever and it was now finally done.

“Look I’m more than sorry for everything I’ve done, I know what I did during the week was way out of line and by far the worst I’ve ever done and I’m truly sorry for everything but I’m confused by you Ashley,” his eyebrows furrowed and he looked up at me briefly before his eyes shot down to the bed sheets in front of him and his forehead creased as if he was in deep thought,” don’t take this the wrong way.”

“I don’t know what you’re going to say, so how can I?” he scoffed at me and gave me a look as if I was some mental retard, but he still continued to talk.

“When I first met you, you looked so lost and fragile, you looked,” he sighed, stuttering on his words,” you, you looked completely broken and in need of help,”he glanced up at me as if sensing that a small tear started rolling down my cheek, desperately I wiped it away before more came,” then you got sent away and came back as a bubbly person and became my bitch of a step sister when our parents decided to get married, time passed and you were still the same bitch I knew since our parents became partners but up until last week I can see that girl that was once scared of everything slowly returning,” he looked up at me as if asking for me to tell him everything without verbally saying it.

I shook my head, he wouldn’t understand no one did, not even when I was sent away, they didn’t listen to me nor did they care, so why would Evan?

I looked into his eyes, trying to find words that would sound like my old self but I couldn’t, the inner bitch was gone, he was right, ever since that night when he scared me, everything was returning and my act had failed, I was no longer able to follow the instructions I was ordered to follow.

Forcing myself, I let out a mock laugh and moved to stand up and walk out of the room but Evan grabbed both my wrists and pulled me back onto the bed, “let go Evan,” I meant to say it sternly and loud but it came out as nothing but a shaky whisper.

step brother, I hate youWhere stories live. Discover now