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Well I guess I discovered the down sides of being a girl today. Sebastian left, without telling me a word and Evan picked up I was late so he said he will blackmail me. I have no idea what he has in plan but he had one hell of an evil smirk when he walked past, like come on, as if he hasn’t already done enough.

I walked into my room slamming my door and earning a useless threat from my mom, something about grounding me for a week. My room had an uneasy presence to it but I shrugged it off pulling my clothes off and walking into the bathroom for a shower. I turned the water then walked over to the mirror tying my hair up before walking into the shower closing the door behind me.

I grimaced as the hot water pelted down my back, I’ve always hated showers, baths were so much better, so much more relaxing. But of course my mom had to decide to move into a house without any bath tubs except in Evan’s room….

Evan isn’t here… he left….

Without giving it a second thought I turned the water off grabbing the towel quickly and my change of clothes. Quickly I sprinted out of my room and over to Evan’s. He left with Sebastian before I went into the shower, apparently he was going to a ‘friend’s house’.

I knocked on his door for good measure, waited a minute, got no answer then barged in his room sprinting over to his bathroom, opening the door and locking it behind me.

I looked at the bathtub and I’m pretty sure I had drool coming from my mouth, I mean the bathtub wasn’t sexy or anything but I haven’t had one since we moved into this house so cut me some slack if I just wanted to rip it out of Evan’s bathroom and place it in mine. I sighed dreamily and walked over to the bathtub, turning the hot water on.

The bath was full, the water non visible from the amount of bubble bath I poured in after discovering a few things in the cupboards of Evan’s bathroom. I pulled the towel from around me off and hung it on the back of the door before slipping into the bath.

The water was a little too hot for my liking but that didn’t really bother me as I was too busy pulling the bubbles into my cupped hands and bringing it to my lips to blow (not like that, perv), watching as it flew from my hands and up into the air.

It wasn’t long before playing with the bubbles wasn’t enough to keep me entertained and I drifted off to sleep.

I woke with a start, my body jumping and grabbing onto the nearest thing… the doona? I looked around the room, letting my eyes adjust to the lack of light. How did I get to the bed if I fell asleep in the bath?

I pulled the sheets off me and put my slippers on walking out of my bedroom dressed in flannel pyjamas a familiar print I was not able to pin where from. I frowned but didn’t question it, I pulled the morning dress from the back of my door off and put it on opening the bedroom door and walking down the hall… of my old house?

My heart froze and my lungs constricted making my breathe come out in gasps, why was I here? And how did I get here?

My thoughts were interrupted as a knock came from the front door, my brows furrowed in confusion but my feet were like they weren’t connected to my brain and soon enough I found myself opening the door for detective Malik.

I gave him a questioning look but he ignored it and looked at me with eyes full of pity, “I’m sorry to bother you at such a late time of the night but I’m afraid I need to tell you something very important, may I come in?” feeling wary of allowing him in I fidgeted with the door handle and looked down giving it thought,” it’s important Ashley, please allow me to come in.”

It was about five minutes later before I gave up on thinking of a way to say no and nodded simply allowing him in. I stepped to the side to allow him to pass and followed him as he walked to the lounge room to sit down.

I sat on the chair across from him and pulled my feet under me, “I’m afraid there is some bad news…” he paused looking up at me and I instantly knew what had happened. I felt the emotions run through me and I fought my hardest to keep myself in check, none of this is real, you’re jumping to conclusions, Ashley.

I looked up at detective Malik asking a silent question, giving a sad smile he nodded his head slightly before looking down to his clasped hands that were twiddling thumbs.

My jaw clenched as I looked ahead of me. I was in too much shock to feel anything or do anything, how could this be true? They promised! Fury ran through me and I rose to my feet screaming as I threw my fist at the closest thing near me, detective Malik.

He simply caught my wrist and pulled me to his chest, holding me tight in his arms as my hands balled into fists, gripping tightly onto his shirt. It was then that realisation hit me and the tears started falling.

I was never going to see the ones I loved so much ever again... never ever again and it was my entire fault.

“It’s ok” he tried comforting me, his hand gently stroking the small of my back as if to help stop my tears but they didn’t, and his words were nothing but worthless crap.

I pushed away from the detective and stared him dead in the eye,” you think it’s going to be ok?” I yelled.

A smirk pulled onto his face and he took a step closer,” actually I’ll tell you the truth, I know it’ not going to be” and then everything went black.


My head was pulled up from the water and my lungs screamed for air, I stared at my adoptive mother before letting the tears fall for the reason I thought I forgot long ago.


wow its been forever that ive been on wattpad let alone updating; im sorry for such a long wait i feel terrible and this isnt even much uf an upload i just added a whole bunch more to the chapter it use to be umm and also this chapter may not make any sense at all but it will soon i promise :)


well just to wreck the book ive planned to kill ashley and evan... lol jk i love them to much to kill them theyre just to hilarious to get rid of... yet... lol jk dw ... im gonna stop talking now hahahahahaha

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