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All set in the future, two different points 

I was bored okay 

 "Leo says his place works!" James came into the sitting room clutching an envelope. He tossed it on the table triumphantly. We were supposed to have our annual get together this weekend, but Maddie had guests coming from Atala and–according to her–we were disruptive. She usually went to these, so technically, she was just as much to blame as us. But we would be without chefs for the weekend (and, consequently, the party) so naturally, our solution was Leo.

"And Nicole agreed?" She always came, of course–though, I wasn't sure how willingly it always was. She preferred smaller events and venues; nothing like the crowded party-atmosphere we cultivated. I wasn't sure she'd be thrilled with the idea of a large group invading her home. "What kind of bribe was involved?"

"No idea. A pretty good one, I guess." He grinned. "I'm going to be so annoying."

"You're such a child." I rolled my eyes. "Lily would kill you if she were here." Not necessarily true. I doubted Lily cared much; she never had in the past. "Just as long as no one died" was her motto, and, while one I also lived by, not always James-proof.

"But she's not," he said cheerfully. "I haven't gotten to irritate Nicole in a while. I'm sure she's missed it. How am I supposed to pass this opportunity up?"

I just sighed. It was too late for him. I wished Lily good luck and washed my hands of him. Nicole wouldn't take his crap–I was pretty sure him trying something this weekend would result in his untimely death. Maybe it'd even be good for him. Lily obviously had little effect; Lucas often encouraged it and Ollie participated. Most of the people I knew were lost causes, really–including myself.

"The cafe closes at four on Sundays, Leo says," James said, picking up the letter again. "We can show up around five, and he'll close for a few days. He says Nicole'll plan to take a few days off, too. He also promises food, which is always a good sign." On that point, we agreed. Especially when it came to Leo's–or his mom's, for that matter. It almost made me want to trade places with Nicole. Either Lucas or I would have to figure out how to cook–something that had probably become even more important now that we were engaged (something that still felt insane). Both of us burned water, and I didn't see that as very promising for our future.

"Just so long as he follows through on that promise." The last time I'd had Leo's cooking had been Nicole's birthday–six months before. I was in desperate need of a pastry, and a year's supply to take back. Though Mrs. Dayal was still here, she was typically cooking for big palace events, and I didn't get near the amount of pastries I needed.

"And sends us home with extra," James added, voicing my thoughts. "Do you think we need to ask or can we just take some?"

"James. Seriously."

"What?" he protested.

I left. I didn't have the energy for him today.


We looked incredibly suspicious arriving at Leo's. He and Nicole lived above the cafe, which meant we had to enter through a main street, which was awkward. Plenty of people were starting to head home when we arrived, and we looked suspicious–even more so when our group slipped into the alleyway between the cafe and the shop next door. Which wasn't because we were stalkers or up to anything, but because the door to their apartment was in the back. I was tempted to tell Leo about the design issues–and that he might get a few questions about the group that had seemingly been preparing to break in.

Leo opened the door, yawning. "Oh, it's you guys. Come on in. Make yourselves comfortable–please don't break anything."

True to his earlier promise, James made a beeline for the couch as soon as he spotted Nicole and practically shoved her feet off as he flopped down. He stretched his arms out and leaned back. "Nice place you've got." He propped his feet up on the coffee table. "Got any snacks?"

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