Chapter 2:

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It had been a week since then, and so far. Things have been quite peaceful. You had just stepped out to go draw some water from the river, you had taken a extra tool with you since you were aware that the river was most likely frozen right now.

However, as you approached the river. You noticed there was a fish frozen in it.

With its tail sticking out and head under the ice...

Honestly, it looked too pitiful to just ignore. The fish was still alive considering how violently it was swinging its tail.

You had to hold its tail while trying to break the over surrounding it with the tool because of how much it was swinging it around.

And it still managed to slap you in the face with its tail.

"Stop moving you stupid fish!" You exclaimed in frustration but it's not like the fish could understand you so it continued swinging its rail causing you to consider leaving it there to die.

But doing so would mean you just wasted a bunch of energy on this for no reason and you would also feel guilty about it later so you decided to continue trying to break the fish out of the ice. You eventually succeeded in doing so, though it didn't feel all that great considering how you also smelled like fish now.

"Ara Ara~ What happened to you?" A familiar voice called out as you turned back to see who it was.

"Butterfly lady...?" You muttered still processing the sight of the three familiar demon slayers standing in front of you.

"Butterfly lady?!" Realization hit you as a exclamation of confusion and Shock fused together left your throat.

"What are you doing here?!" I ran up to the three after placing my bucket down as my brows furrowed together in confusion.

"Well, I doubt it's very safe for a kid your age to be living out at the very edge of the forest alone." The butterfly lady began explaining the reason behind her current appearance here.

"So I've decided to adopt you!" She added a moment later clapping her hand in a joyful manner as you once more froze while your brain attempted to process this new found information.



"So, basically... I'm getting adopted. And I don't have a say in it?" You questioned with your arms crossed above your chest.

"Precisely!" The butterfly lady responded with her usual smile with the dango haired lady smiling just as widely behind her.

"I refuse." You immediately declared as you lifted your bucket back up and began proceeding to your house.

"Then let me restate that. Come with us or you die." You instantly froze as you felt the coolness of a sharp metal object against your neck followed by what the white haired male had just announced.

"Demon." He added a moment later causing your eyes to widen for a single second before instantly narrowing down as your body instinctively tensed up at that word but you took care to not allow it to show much.

'It's fine... They have no proof.' You reassured yourself as you turned back to face the no brows who still held his cold icy gaze stronger than ever.

"First of all... Move this thing!" You slapped the older male's hand away seeming not in the least intimidated by the sharp blade.

"This is what I get for mixing with eyebrowless old men, should've thought about how they became eyebrowless first." You sighed massaging your temple in an irritated manner.

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