Chapter 3:

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"And this is the room you'll be staying in." Shinobu slid open the door to the from as she revealed what inside, but you couldn't care less.

"Oh... Nice..." You weren't really interested considering you were basically being held hostage right now.

Though the room was pretty nice, it was a sunroom. Which you didn't know existed, with steam milk cream colored walls and lights on both walls opposite to each other.

But you couldn't blame them for worrying considering that most demon slayers lost their families to demons.

And if it turned out that demons who could walk in the sun existed, then humans would basically go extinct.

"Then you should come meet Aoi and the girls now!"  Shinobu exclaimed as she once again began dragging me away to god knows where.

"Who?" Was what you were planning to ask but decided against, simply too tired to care.

"Aoi." Shinobu called sliding the door to a room, which you soon found out was the patient's, open.

"Ah, Shinobu-sama. Do you need something?" A young girl with black hair put into two pigtails and tied with two blue butterfly hairbands questioned.

"We've got a guest, she'll be staying over for a while." Shinobu nudged you forward holding you in front of her as the girl's curious deep blue eyes gazed at you.

"Hello, there! Nice to meet you, I'm Aoi." She set the medicine in here hands down as she made her way up to you, outstretching her hand for a handshake.

"... I'm Y/n." You clasped her hand in yours, accepting her handshake as three other smalls girls came forward.

"Oh, this is Sumi." Aoi gestures to a girl with jet black hair two low pigtails with two lighter colored blue butterfly hair ties.

"This is Kiyo." She gestured to the next girl who also had black hair but put down to shoulders length and two pink butterfly clips at the side.

"And this is Naho." She gestured to the last girl who had similar colored hair to the other two but put down in two braids with two light green hairbands.

They were all wearing similar attires to each other. Just simple white dresses with each having their own colored strap tied at the waist.

Aoi however, had a blue demon slayer uniform with a white apron like cloth worn over it.

"Hello! Nice to meet you!" All three girls exclaimed in sync bowing in respect, while you only had the energy to nod in response.

They thankfully didn't seem to mind. They seemed to be pretty understanding, which was a huge relief for you.

After giving you a whole tour of the mansion. Shinobu suggested you retire to your room for the day. Though you were already on your way to do so anyway.

'... I hate this...'

You couldn't help but grumble about how much you hated being in this situation to yourself like a child. But who could blame you?

No one would like to have to be stuck in this situation simply because they were born either. It wasn't you fault you were born half-demon.

But it was your fault that they became suspicious of you or even found out you existed.

'I should've been more careful with my words...' You nibbled on your nail debating on how to get out of here.

You could always just kill them all and leave. But that would be proving that you were no different than any other demon and prove them right.

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