Chapter 4:

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Though you hate to admit it, Aoi was right. You had begun helping the Kakushi deliver the patient's medicine since the beginning when you arrived here.

Solely due to the reason that Aoi wouldn't let you do any work then.

But today, you saw a name on one of the medicine packages that you seemed to recognize, courtesy of Aoi.

It was Gyomei, the one who finalized that you'd be staying over at the corps.

You were still feeling a bit salty over that but he was the strongest hashira, you should still give him the respect that's due. At least until you get out of here.

Plus, this was probably as good as it was gonna get. At least they didn't lock you up in some room for experimenting or some other sketchy shit.

"Excuse me." You knocked on the door of the room the Kakushi had told you Gyomei was in.

'He has a whole room to himself, huh? Perks of being a hashira I guess.'

Usually, the Kakushi would try refusing or never come to you first to deliver medicine. But today they came to you first with the alibi that they felt too nervous to go in front of a hashira.

And they apparently thought that since you had already met the hashers before, you would be more comfortable with delivering to them their medicines.

Now whether this was some lame excuse to get the hashira to get rid of you. Or a trick and the the person behind this door was actually Sanemi. You had no idea, but if you refused, you would be deemed suspicious.

"Come in." You heard a voice call out, well at least you now knew that it wasn't Sanemi.

"Excuse me, the Kakushi sent me over to deliver your medicine." You slid the door open and perked in just to make sure he didn't have his weapon in hand, he fortunately didn't.

"Ah, I see. You can just leave it on the table there." The huge man pointed to the vanity next to his hospital bed as you nodded in response and left his medicine where he had asked you to.

"Then, please excuse me." You quickly excused yourself and slid the door open to leave but just as you stepped out of the room a figure bolted towards you as you instantly stepped aside.

Barely dodging the figure who then tripped and went tumbling into the room. Oh, it was Inosuke.

Well, it was obvious enough why he was here by the way he shot right back up a moment later and instantly slid the door shut. He probably got in trouble with Aoi again.

"Ugh, Inosuke. Could you not barge into other people's rooms?" You sighed crossing your arm above your chest just to be tackled by Inosuke a moment later.

"Shhh!" Inosuke brought his finger up to his lips in a shushing motion as footsteps could be heard, it sounded like the devil himself.

"Ah! Demon woman!" Inosuke whisper-screeched as he dragged you along with him behind Gyomei, for a moment you thought he was talking about you.

"Hey! You can't just-" "It's fine, I don't mine." Gyomei cut you off, speaking in a hushed tone as you realized just how much you were beginning to sound like Aoi.

"Excuse me." You heard a knock on the door as a voice belonging to Aoi spoke up.

"Yes?" Gyomei asked as the door slid open revealing a very innocent-looking Aoi, with a broom in hand.

"Hello, Gyomei. How have you been feeling?" Aoi asked with a bright smile on her face which Gyomei responded with a gentle one.

"I've been feeling much better, Aoi. Thank you for asking." Gyomei responded as Aoi's eyes scanned through the room.

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