chapter 1

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a/n: hai i've seen a recent rise in popularity of fairy tail on my fyp and i decided to start writing back up again lollll anyway this is rewrite of my (now unpublished) heather fic!

"help!" you shout into a vast area as you keep running. you weren't looking back at what was chasing you. you were in the middle of nowhere, so you didn't expect someone to hear you, but it was still worth of shot. "help me, please!" your tiny voice keeps shouting. the huge monster's claw swoops you up. "let me go!" you punch the fist with your tiny ones. "hun, i'm not gonna hurt you." the monster tells you. "you're gonna eat me!" you yell.

"i'm gonna keep you safe, young one." the blue dragon assures you. you didn't think that the big dragon chasing around would actually keep you safe. you didn't think she'd become a motherly figure in your life.

"crystalis!" you shout. there was no sign of your mother anywhere. you both fell asleep for the night and you didn't feel or hear her leave. she would've told you if she was going out to hunt for food or anything. "crystalis!" you yell again. you grab your backpack and you were to go around without her, but you're scared that she's hurt somewhere.

"after her!" an older man yells. you knock over a cart of fruits to slow down the men chasing after you. after a while of searching for crystalis, you gave up and accepted that she's gone. you believe she had her reasons, but you were left all alone. you had nothing and no one, so you're on your own. since you weren't in a guild, you had to resort to stealing. you stole money, food, and necessities.

you kept running as fast as you could, and you took a couple of turns to throw them off. it worked and you were finally clear from the guys chasing after you. you ran through the woods and you found the small, abandoned , cabin that you have been calling home. you open the doors and you're startled when you see a much older man setting his stuff down. "who are you?!" you ask as you drop your bag of stolen food items and you begin to charge some magic up in your hands.

"i'm sorry i didn't know anyone was staying here." he puts his hands up defensively. "but that's some cool magic you have there."

"you need to leave! i'm a dragon slayer, sir! i was trained by a dragon!" you try threatening him, but he does not at all seem phased by you.

"kid, you're afraid, i get it. i'm an intruder. where's your mom?" the man asks you. you begin to calm down. "she's not home..." you say quietly. the man looks at you with sympathy. he steps towards you and you step back, but he assures you that he's not dangerous.

your back is pressing against the door. he squats down eye level to you. "it's dangerous living here all by yourself, kid. my name's gildarts."

you were in complete awe as you walk around the city of magnolia. the city had shifted just for gildarts' arrival. you witnessed his power in person. he's very strong, so you're assuming that's why. he was reckless. "this is it, kid." gildarts says as he stops in front of the huge building. you were in complete awe. "so this is fairy tail?" you ask. he nods, "number one guild in fiore." he pushes the door open and everyone cheered. they were expecting gildarts' arrival. he greets some people as you all make your way through. he walks to the counter where someone was working and serving drinks to some of the members.

"who's the girl?" the lady asks.

"a new member of this guild. i found her at a stop." gildarts tells her. he sits at the counter and lifts you up to sit next to him. "she's actually a very talented wizard for her age. she's a dragon slayer."

"dragon slayer? i read that was ancient magic." the lady was stunned.

"it is, but this kiddo is a user. she says she learned from a dragon named crystalis. she's gonna grow up to be a real treasure and pain in the ass. she's tough and actually helped me come back earlier than intended." gildarts praises you. you smile at him.

shortly after getting your guild mark, gildarts pushed you to talk to the other kids in the guild. everyone was confused about your magic, and none of them really believed that you were trained by a real life dragon.

you began to open up more and more to people. gildarts let you stay at his place and you were devastated when he took a decade job, leaving you all alone. you shut everyone out completely. it felt as if crystalis had left you all over again.

"this is so cool!" an unfamiliar voice exclaims as the doors of the guild open. you turn around and see a little boy with pink hair and white, scaley scarf. he was standing by the master. "so where's the dragon slayer you told me about?! i wanna meet him!" the boy asks master.

he wants to meet me?

"no, natsu, the dragon slayer is a she." master corrects.

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