chapter 12

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as you stood before the guild doors, nerves buzzing through you, you turned to natsu, happy, and peach. 

"I have to admit, natsu," you confessed with a hesitant smile, "i'm feeling pretty jittery about going back. it's been a week, and i'm not sure how everyone will react."

natsu, grinning reassuringly, draped an arm around your shoulders, "don't sweat it, y/n! fairy tail's like family, and we've all been itching for your turn. plus, with me by your side, what's there to worry about?"

you, feeling a surge of comfort, chuckled, "you've got a point, natsu. well I guess it's showtime." with that, you pushed open the doors, ready to embrace whatever awaited you inside the lively halls of fairy tail. 

as you and your team pushed open the guild doors, the lively atmosphere inside immediately caught your attention. the guild members, recognizing your return, erupted into cheers and applause. 

natsu, with an arm still casually draped around you, grinned widely. "looks like they're ready for the grand return of y/n!"

happy chimed in, "yeah! fairy tail missed you, y/n!"

peach, fluttering around happily, added her chirpy voice to the mix. "they're all so excited to see you, y/n!"

gray shouted, "took you long enough, y/n! we were starting to think you found a new guild!"

you, grinning, retorted, "please, gray, fairy tail is irreplaceable. where else would I find a guild as chaotic and lively as this?"

Lucy, raising her glass, joined in. "to y/n! the wizard who knows how to bring laughter and warmth to fairy tail."

erza, nodding approvingly, added, "welcome back, y/n. your presence was sorely missed." 

the guild continued to celebrate, toasting to your return. you basked in the warmth of your fairy tail family. 

as the cheers and applause filled the guild hall, master makarov's booming voice cut through the noise, calling for attention. the guild members quickly quieted down, turning their attention to their venerable master standing on the bar table.

"ah, my dear fairy tail family!" makarov began, his voice carrying a mixture of pride and relief. "today is a day of celebration, for one of our own has returned to us after facing great adversity!"

you, feeling a flush of embarrassment at being the center of attention, glanced at natsu, who grinned and gave her an encouraging nod.

makarov continued, his voice commanding the room. "our brave y/n has proven her strength and resilience in the face of danger. she faced a dark wizard and emerged victorious, a testament to her unwavering spirit!"

the guild erupted into cheers once more, clapping and whistling in admiration for their fellow wizard.

makarov raised his hands, quieting the crowd once more. "But let us not forget the challenges that lie ahead. our guild may face many trials, but as long as we stand united, we can overcome anything!"

you, feeling a surge of determination, exchanged a determined look with your guildmates. you knew that no matter what obstacles lay ahead, you could count on the support of your fairy tail family.

As makarov finished his speech, the guild burst into cheers once more, raising their mugs in a toast to your bravery and resilience.

the next day dawned bright and clear, with the guild bustling with activity as members prepared for another day of adventure. you, feeling energized by the previous day's celebration, approached master makarov's office with a job flyer in your hand, determination in your eyes. 

"master makarov," you began, your voice carrying a playful defiance, "I've already chosen a job, and I need your approval to take it. no more sitting around - i'm ready for some real excitement."

master makarov, his expression grave, regarded you with a mixture of concern and paternal affection. "ah, y/n, my dear child. as much much as i appreciate your enthusiasm, i must caution you against rushing back into action so soon. your safety is my utmost concern."

you, undeterred, handed the job flyer to master. "come on, master. how many times do I have to prove i'm made of tougher stuff? this job is perfect for me, and I need to prove to myself that i'm still the wizard I used to be."

master sighed, examining the job flyer. "I understand your fiery spirit, y/n, but this is non-negotiable. you need more time to recover. the guild will still be here when you're truly ready."

you, fueled by frustration, pulled the flyer away from master's hands. "this is absurd! i'm not some fragile doll that needs protection. I've faced worse than this."

master's expression remained firm, but your determination flared. "I won't sit around like a damsel in distress. I'm a fairy tail wizard, not some porcelain doll." 

without waiting for master's response, you storm out his office, doors slam shut behind you.

you take a seat the booth with your team. you couldn't contain your frustration. you learned forward, your eyes ablaze with passion, and you launched into a rant about the master's decision. 

"can you believe this? master refuses to let me go on a job! it's like he thinks i'm incapable or something. I've faced far worse challenges and come out stronger, but now he's treating me like I can't handle anything." 

natsu's brows furrowed in irritation. "that's ridiculous! you're one of the strongest wizards here, y/n. gramps should know better than to hold you back like this."

gray, with a smirk, chimed in, "maybe he's just worried you'll outshine us all with your skills. can't have that, can we?"

lucy offered a reassuring smile. "I understand your frustration, y/n, but maybe master just wants to ensure your safety. he cares about all of us, after all."

erza, her expression stern but sympathetic, nodded in agreement. "master has the guild's best interest at heart. we should trust his judgement, even if it seems overly cautious." 

you, however, remained unconvinced. "I know he means well, but i'm not some fragile flower. I need to prove to myself that i'm still as capable as ever, and this job is the perfect opportunity."

happy, trying to lighten the mood, interjected, "maybe master is just worried we'll miss you too much."

peach nudged you affectionately, offering silent support. 

as you expressed your frustration at master's decision, the support from your friends began to grate on your nerves. you couldn't shake the feeling that they, too, were being overly protective. 

"guys, seriously, I appreciate your concern, but I'm not some fragile doll. I can handle myself." you protested, your spunk turning into frustration. "I just need a chance to prove it, and master and you all are treating me like I can't do anything!"

natsu, still determined to be the voice of support, leaned in. "we just care about you, y/n. we don't want to see you get hurt."

gray added with a grin, "yeah, we've got your back, but that doesn't mean we doubt you. gramps just needs time to realize you're ready for action."

you, feeling cornered, snapped, "I don't need everyone holding me back. i'm not a child. I need to face challenges and grow stronger. I can't do that if you're all treating me like i'm made of glass."

Lucy, trying to diffuse the tension, gently said, "we're not doubting you, y/n. it's just concern, that's all."

erza, maintaining her stern expression, chimed in, "sometimes, it takes a bit of patience. we and the master just want to ensure your well-being."

frustration burned in your eyes as you pushed back away from the table. "well maybe I don't need all this concern."

with that, you stormed away from the table and the guild, leaving your friends in an awkward silence. 

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