- chapter 14 -

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y/n and loke trudged back to the fairy tail guild after a successful job. laughter echoed through the air, and the familiar scent of the guild surrounded them.

as they entered the bustling guild hall, loke couldn't resist a grin, his eyes flickering with mischief. "hey, everyone! you won't believe what happened during our mission!"

the attention of the guild members turned towards them, curious eyes fixed on loke. y/n rolled their eyes, already anticipating some sort of exaggeration.

"we faced this massive monster," loke continued, a sly smile playing on his lips. "but then, out of nowhere, y/n unleashed a magic so powerful, it blew the creature away!"

a chorus of cheers erupted from the guild members, praising y/n for their supposed heroic act. y/n sighed, feeling a bit embarrassed but playing along with loke's theatrics.

but then, loke leaned in, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "oh, and by the way, me and y/n? we got really close during the mission, if you catch my drift."

the guild fell into a stunned silence before erupting into a mix of cheers, gasps, and whistles. y/n's eyes widened in disbelief, shooting loke an annoyed glare. "seriously, loke? can't keep anything to yourself, can you?"

loke chuckled, enjoying the attention, but y/n was visibly upset. a sense of frustration lingered in the air.

natsu, who had been sitting at a nearby table, heard the commotion but remained stoic. internally, however, a storm raged within him. his fists clenched as he struggled to contain the surge of emotions.

lucy, who had yet to join the guild, missed the spectacle, and loke continued basking in the attention. y/n, still taken aback by the revelation, couldn't shake the feeling of being exposed, and frustration simmered beneath the surface.

gray approaches you with a mischievous grin, his tone playful as he nudges your shoulder. "so, i heard you and loke had quite the adventure on your last job. anything you want to share?"

you shoot him a sidelong glance, your playful demeanor faltering. "oh, you know, the usual monster-slaying business. what did you hear, gray?"

he raises an eyebrow, feigning innocence. "just some details floating around. something about you two getting 'really close' during the mission. care to elaborate?"

you let out a sigh, frustration evident. "loke's just being dramatic. we worked well together, that's all."

gray smirks, leaning in. "well, i hope you're not planning on stealing all the good jobs with loke now. i wouldn't want to miss out on the action."

you roll your eyes, your mood now tinged with annoyance. "don't worry, gray. i think i can spare a few jobs for you. wouldn't want you to get bored."

internally, gray struggles to hide a twinge of jealousy, but he masks it with his usual playful demeanor.

you grab loke by the arm, dragging him away from the lively atmosphere of the guild and into a quieter room. the playful atmosphere vanishes from your face, replaced by a stern expression.

"loke, what the hell were you thinking?" you scold him, arms crossed over your chest. "telling everyone about us, especially natsu? that's crossing a line."

loke scratches the back of his head, offering a sheepish grin. "come on, it's not a big deal. i thought people would find it interesting."

you narrow your eyes at him, frustration evident. "interesting? it's my personal life, and i have a right to keep it private. you betrayed my trust by blabbing about it to the whole guild."

he shrugs, not fully grasping the weight of your words. "it's not like it's a secret anymore. what's the big deal?"

you snap back, "the big deal is that i get to decide what's private and what's not. this isn't your story to tell, loke."

he takes a step back, sensing your anger. "alright, alright. i didn't mean to upset you. just didn't think it would bother you this much."

you let out an exasperated sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose. "clearly, you didn't think at all. just... just give me some space, okay? i need to cool off."

as you storm out of the room, leaving loke behind, the tension lingers, and the consequences of his loose lips reverberate within the guild.

the news of your recent escapade with loke has spread like wildfire within the guild, and as you make your way back into the bustling atmosphere, you can feel the eyes of your guildmates on you. elfman, macao, wakaba, mira, cana, and others shoot you knowing smirks and playful glances, their teasing comments hanging in the air like a dense fog.

elfman flexes his muscles, giving you a hearty pat on the back. "looks like you and loke had some serious teamwork on that last job, huh?"

macao follows suit, adding with a sly grin, "guess the two of you discovered a different kind of magic."

wakaba chimes in, chuckling, "you've got some explaining to do, y/n. saw you took loke to a private room. wanted more action, huh?"

mira, her eyes twinkling mischievously, leans against the bar. "love blossoming between you and loke? that's something I never saw coming."

cana, always with a beer in hand, smirks. "care to show us some of that magical charm you used on loke, y/n? in private, perhaps?"

the teasing continues from all directions, each guild member adding their own spin to the playful banter. you try to brush off the comments with a forced smile, refusing to let them see how much their words are getting under your skin. The guild, however, is not one to let such juicy gossip slide without a few laughs and nudges.

you spot natsu sitting alone at a table, a stormy expression on his face as he toys with a bowl of food. sighing, you decide to approach him, hoping to clear the air.

"hey, natsu," you greet him cautiously, taking a seat across from him.

natsu looks up, his gaze meeting yours briefly before flickering away. "hey," he mutters, not meeting your eyes.

you sense the tension in the air and decide to address the elephant in the room. "look, about me and loke, it wasn't what it seemed."

natsu smirks, a sarcastic tone lacing his words. "sure looked like something was happening. going to a private room and all."

you roll your eyes, frustration building. "it wasn't like that, natsu. we just went to the room to discuss the job. we took the job, and it got a bit heated. there's nothing romantic between loke and me."

natsu scoffs, leaning back in his chair. "discussing a job, huh? in a private room?"

you clench your fists, trying to keep your cool. "yes, in a private room. it was the only available space to talk. besides, it's none of your business."

natsu smirks again, his jealousy thinly veiled behind the act. "sure, none of my business. just found it interesting, that's all."

you take a deep breath, realizing that reasoning with natsu might not be easy. "look, if you have a problem, just say it. don't make passive-aggressive comments."

he leans forward, his gaze piercing through yours. "maybe i do have a problem, y/n. maybe i don't like the idea of you getting cozy with other guys."

you feel a mix of frustration and confusion, not fully understanding natsu's sudden possessiveness. "natsu, you know there's nothing between me and loke. can we just drop it?"

natsu leans back again, a flicker of regret in his eyes. "fine. but be careful, y/n. not everyone here has good intentions."

the tension lingers between you two, leaving the conversation unresolved.

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