chapter 7

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as your senses gradually returned, you found yourself in a dimly lit chamber, a dull ache pulsating through your body. you look down and see you have stripped down to your undergarments. the cold surface against your back hinted at the stony prison that held you captive. blinking away the haze, you realized your wrists were bound by enchanted shackles, and your body ached from the unseen assault. you noticed the wizard from the warehouse standing before you, an ominous wand clutched in his gloved hand. 

his cloak was off and you recognized him from the wanted posters. malachor, the shadow wizard of the gang. the leader. 

a malevolent grin etched across his face deepened as he noticed you woke up. "ah, the twin dragon awakens. just in time for the mark of your induction." 

struggling against the chains, you demanded, "what is the meaning of this? release me!"

suddenly a shock of lightning ruins through your body. you let out a blood curling scream and go completely limp. "careful now. i'm trying to get these lines straight." 

unable to move, you watched in dread as he traced the wand over your hip, weaving dark magic into a number tattoo that materialized beneath his touch. the sensation sent a chill through your core, as the digits marked you as part of their sinister collection.

"what have you done?" you demanded, your voice a defiant whisper. 

malachor's eyes glinted with cruel satisfaction. "a number that binds you to our grand design. you're now a living vessel. a conduit for the culmination of our ambitions." as the last stroke of the number completed, the chains binding you to the frigid wall tightened. "perfect." malachor smirks. 

"what's gonna happen to me? what does this number mean?" you ask. 

malachor circled you, his eyes ablaze with an unholy fervor. "dragon slayer, let me unravel the tapestry of our grand design for you. you see, the number adorning your hip is not just a mark; it's a tether, binding you to a fate far beyond your comprehension. we seek to capture and drain the magic from wizards like you. each essence siphoned adds to the potency of our ritual."

your eyes narrowed, a mix of defiance and fear. "but for what purpose? what do you gain from draining magic?"

malachor's laughter echoed in the chamber. "power. power to reshape reality itself. we are architects of a new age, where shadows will reign supreme. the magic we drain will fuel our ascension, casting aside the feeble constraints of this mundane existence. your essence, your magic, becomes a crucial piece in the mosaic of our transcendence. the number on your hip, a testament to your contribution to the birth of a realm where we eclipse all." 

he paused, his gaze piercing into your soul. "you, and others like you, are but instruments in a symphony of darkness, orchestrating the rise of a new order. welcome to the rebirth. embrace your role in the grand design" 

malachor's eyes glinted with a sinister gleam as he delved deeper into his malevolent revelation. "you, as a dragon slayer, possess a wellspring of magic energy far beyond the average wizard. your ilk, with the essence of dragons coursing through your veins, are like a feast for our ritual, a banquet of unparalleled power." 

"we've also set our sights on the other dragon slayer, a flame that burns brighter than most. natsu dragneel," malachor declared, his voice carrying a chilling undertone. 

a cold realization gripped you as he continued, "his magic and your magic will be the catalyst for the culmination of our grand design. once we capture him, we shall consume his fiery brilliance, and our power will reach heights unimaginable." 

malachor's laughter echoed through the chamber, "your destiny, twin dragon, is entwined with his."

the revelation hung in the air like an oppressive fog. the number on your hip pulsating with an eerie glow. trapped in the chains, you grappled with the realization that the next target was none other than natsu dragneel. 

malachor's eyes burned with a twisted fervor as he unraveled the next layer of his malevolent scheme. "once natsu dragneel's essence fuels our ritual, the magic council will crumble beneath the might of our newfound power. ice and fire dragon slayer magic combined will be the catalyst for an uprising that shakes the very foundations of the magic realm." 

he continued, "imagine it, a wave of unrelenting ice and scorching flames cascading over the council's feeble defenses. my group, infused with the magic we've drained from countless wizards, will becomes the harbingers of a new order. the council's reign will end, and our era will begin."

a sinister grin adorned malachor's face. "the power we've collected, a symphony of stolen magic, will converge into a torrent that sweeps through us all. the ice and fire within me will become the nexus, binding us as one unstoppable force. the magic council will be powerless to resist. every wizard we've captured, every ounce of magic drained, will become a stepping stone towards our ultimate ascension." 

despite the chains that bound you, a defiant spark ignited within you. "your delusions of overthrowing won't change the fact that you're nothing more than a power-hungry puppet master. your plans won't succeed." 

malachor's eyes narrowed, and a cruel smirk played on his life. "such a spirited defiance. it's almost endearing, but it won't alter your fate. i suggest you savor these last moments of resistance." he approaches you and holds his chin between his fingers. he seems to be admiring your features. 

malachor, his eyes gleaming with sadistic delight, stepped back. "your defiance fuels my desire to showcase the vast reservoir of magic we've gathered." with a wave of his hand, shadows appear in the chamber. they form images of other wizards. their faces contorted in anguishes, their magic forcibly extracted. malachor grinned, reveling in the cruel display. you gasp and let out a scream as the shadows seem to approach you.

you were next. you struggle against the chains. 

"behold, the countless souls that have contributed to our grand design," he taunted. "their magic now courses through me, an unstoppable force forged from their despair and suffering." 

the chamber filled with screams of the tormented wizards. malachor's voice cut through the symphony of agony, "their power will become the instrument of your torment, a testament to the futility of resistance." 

you try shutting your eyes, but the screams seemed to just get louder. "your spirit will crumble, and then, only then, will i drain your magic and add it to our growing reservoir." 

the screams come to a stop. you open your eyes as the tortured wizards faded back into the shadows, malachor approached, his hands crackling with the stolen magic of the captured wizards. "prepare yourself, for the true display of power is yet to come, and you will be the captive audience to your own demise." 

you let out a scream as the torment begins. 

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