chapter 4

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it had been a couple of weeks since Lucy joined the guild. you were starting to get close to her, but when natsu asked her to join him for a job request, and not you, you can't lie and say it didn't sting a little.

you also noticed a little chemistry when erza asked you, gray, and natsu to join her on a mission. lucy tagged along, and you were slightly irritated. you felt bad for feeling this way towards her.

"what's wrong with me?" you ask peach as the two of you lounge around your house. "lucy's a good person!" you continue your little rant.

"maybe it's because you have feelings for natsu?" peach states the obvious. you grab peach and shake her, "but I can't! he's my teammate, it would throw everything off balance!"

"h-hey now... I think you're overthinking this a little..." peach uses her little paws to get out of your grip. ever since the lullaby situation a few days ago, you haven't been back at the guild. you refuse to face everyone while you're feeling this guilt. you should love Lucy, just like everybody else.

you sigh and fall onto your bed. suddenly there's a loud banging on your door. you sit up and look at peach, "are you expecting someone?" you ask her. she shakes her head. the banging is not stopping.

"i'm coming!" you shout. you walk over to your door and open it. there stands gray.

"gray? did you need something?" you question.

"natsu took an s-class job with Lucy!" gray yells and walks in. you close the door, "come in..." you mutter under your breath. gray walks back and forth in your living room.

"w-wait... did you say natsu took an s-class job with Lucy?" you ask, just now catching onto what he said.

"he went to the 2nd floor?!" peach chimes in.

"more importantly, he went to Lucy?! not me?!" your anger begins to rise.

"yeah, I'm kind of surprised he didn't come to you..." gray rubs the back of his head, "him and Lucy have been close recently."

Lucy and natsu... Lucy and natsu...

"what i'm saying is we have to crash in! i'll be damned if that loser beats me in taking an s-class job!" gray grabs you by your shoulders.

"that son of a bitch..." you mutter. you were mad at natsu. how could he ditch you so fast?

"or we could just not? we'd get in a lot of trouble if we tagged along." peach suggested.

"oh we're definitely crashing in. peach, pack your bags." you say sternly.

"love that attitude! their train leaves tonight, don't be late!" gray runs out of your house to pack his bag.

"y/n, this is reckless. let's just go and stop them. this is extremely dangerous." peach tries to calm you down as you begin to throw things into a suitcase.

you stop and think for a second. this is dangerous and it is reckless. you can scold natsu anytime for choosing to trust Lucy more than you, but you can't if he's dead for making a stupid decision.

you sigh, "I guess you're right... again."

later that night, gray comes back to your house and you're able to talk him out of tagging along and instead just bringing natsu back by force and turning in natsu, happy, and Lucy to the master.

you, gray, and peach ride to hargeon port in search for Lucy, happy, and natsu. you were able to find them pretty quickly through their scent. you see them up ahead talking to a sailor. gray creeps up on them and places a hand on each of their shoulder, "found ya!"

all three scream.

"you three are pathetic." you say as you walk up to them.

"gray! y/n! what are you doing here?!" natsu asks.

"we were ordered to bring you back." you answer.

"we got found out already?!" natsu freaks out.

"if you come back now, he might not kick you out." gray shrugs.

lucy gasps, "kicked out?!"

"screw that! i'm going on this s-class quest!" natsu yells back.

"you don't got the skill for it!" gray argues.

"man, if erza hears about this..." peach shudders.

happy flies on your shoulder, "save me, y/n! they forced me to come with them!"

"traitor!" Lucy yells at him.

speaking of traitors, natsu speaks up, "I'm gonna show erza what I can do! I can't turn back now!"

you say nothing. you don't want to say anything.

gray argues with natsu. the two begin to charge up their magic.

"guys, let's not start." you say.

"butt out, y/n!" natsu yells at you. you're taken aback by this. fury fills in your and you begin to charge up magic as well.

"wait! you guys are wizards?!" the sailor chimes in. you all stop and look at him. "are you going to break the island's curse?!"

"yep!" natsu tells him.

"t-try to..." Lucy corrects him.

"you're not going anywhere!" gray tells them.

"get in!" the sailor tells everyone.

natsu catches gray off guard and knocks him out, then throws him over his shoulder, "all right! we're good to go."

"natsu! we're going back to the guild!" you say sternly.

"cmon y/n! together there's nothing we can't do! tag along with us!" natsu encourages you with a smile.

your mood was instantly switched. a smile was all it took to convince you.

"we're taking gray?" Lucy asks.

"if he goes back to the guild, erza will come next...!" natsu tells her.

so you all get on the boat and make sure to secure gray with rope to keep him from escaping.

natsu's head hangs over the boat, ready to puke.

"what happened to this being a stupid decision, y/n?!" gray asks you.

"w-well... there 6 of us, so we should be fine, right?" you tell him.

"'I cant wait to drag natsu back to master and have him punished.'" gray mocks your voice.

"I dont talk like that! and let's not forget joining the job was your idea." you argue back.

"that you talked me out of!" gray yells. you huff and look away from him. gray looks at the sailor, "and you! why did you agree to take us?!"

"my name is bobo. I used to live on galuna island. i fled from that cursed island." the sailor answers, "disaster will befall you all, too. such is the fate of those who visit that island. can you really lift this curse?" he pulls off his cloak and reveals a demon-like hand.

you all gasp.

"there it is." he says. up ahead was small galuna island. 

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